Prof. Dr. Adrian Loretan

Foto Adrian Loretan

Professor of Ecclesiastical Law / Church-State Relations 

Dr. iur. can. et lic. theol.  

T +41 41 229 52 66

Frohburgstrasse 3, Raum 3.B51 


Studies in philosophy, Catholic and Protestant theology at the Universities of Lucerne and Tübingen (1984 lic.theol.), studies of both laws at the Universities of Fribourg and Gregoriana in Rome (1993 Dr. iur. can.); since 1996 full professor of Canon Law and State-Church Law at the University of Lucerne, 1999-2001 Dean of the Theological Faculty of Lucerne, since 2012 Co-Director of the Center for Religious Constitutional Law at the University of Lucerne. Editor of the series ReligionsRecht im Dialog. Recently published: Religious Freedom in the Context of Human Rights (monography) and Religious Freedom in the Context of Fundamental Rights (ed.). Since 2000, joint seminars with the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Theology of the University of Basel (Engelberg Seminars). Transdisciplinary cooperation in teaching and research with different faculties in Europe.  

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