Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez

Professor of Civil Procedure Law Specialising in Debt Collection and Bankruptcy

Dr. iur., Attorney-at-Law

T +41 41 229 54 66

Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 4.A29


Rodrigo Rodriguez was born in Madrid in 1973. He moved from the Swiss school in Barcelona to Stans, where he completed his school-leaving examination at the Kollegium St. Fidelis. After completing his university studies and subsequent Dr. iur. doctorate at the University of Fribourg, he was appointed an academic assistant. This was followed by the bar exam and several years as a practicing lawyer and counsel in Zurich. He moved to Bern in 2006 and began working at the Federal Office of Justice, initially in the International Private Law division and then as the head of the supervisory authority on debt collection and insolvency from 2014 onwards. Since 2007 he represents Switzerland at the UNCITRAL Working Group V (Insolvency). He was also an assistant professor at the University of Bern, where he completed his ‘Habilitation’ postdoctoral qualification and was named a titular professor in 2016. Rodrigo Rodriguez has been Professor of Civil Procedure Law Specialising in SchKG at the University of Lucerne since 2017. Rodrigo Rodriguez is married with three children.