Daniel Gmür, MLaw, RA
Daniel Gmür grew up in Oberwil BL and completed his Matura there, majoring in Spanish. He then studied law at the University of Basel (BLaw 2019; MLaw 2021), specialising in public law.
During and after his studies, Daniel Gmür worked, among other things, at various events in infrastructure and logistics, as an aid organisation representative at federal asylum hearings, as a legal advisor and as a legal associate at the Swiss Consumer Protection Foundation. He completed traineeships in a law and notary's office and at the Social Insurance Court of the Canton of Basel-Stadt.
Daniel Gmür has been a research assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr Klaus Mathis since October 2022, was admitted to the bar of the Canton Basel-Stadt in 2023 and is practising as a lawyer in Basel since 2024.