Legal History and Legal Theory

Legal history and legal theory provide the focus of the chair’s activities – two foundational subjects that are, in many respects, border disciplines. They encourage the introduction of new interdisciplinary perspectives by linking law to its historical roots and/or social context. In addition, they also challenge narrow dogmatic thinking, relativise the scope of applicable law and thus make a fundamental contribution to legal education and training.
Prof. Luminati’s chair is presently working on projects on the history of the judiciary, on the relationship between literacy and orality in the development of law, and on modern urban history. The chair is associated with the Institute for Research in the Fundaments of Law – lucernaiuris.
More information about Prof. Dr. Michele Luminati: CV, Research, Publications
University of Lucerne
Faculty of Law
Legal History and Legal Theory
Frohburgstrasse 3
P.O. Box 4466
6002 Lucerne
T +41 41 229 53 24
claudine.knobel @