Dr. Rorick Daniel Tovar Galván, LL.M.

Foto Rorick Tovar

Academic Assistant

T +41 229 52 92
Inseliquai 8, Raum INS-1


Rorick Tovar is a Senior Researcher in the SNF project "Choice of Law Dataverse: promoting transparency and access in private international law data".

Before completing his Ph.D. in Switzerland, he studied law in Peru, obtained a law degree in Spain and later a master's degree (LL.M.) with honors in Switzerland. His doctoral thesis was awarded summa cum laude by the University of Bern and published by the publishing house Intersentia (Cambridge, UK).

Until 2022, Rorick Tovar focused mainly on academic work as a lecturer and scientific researcher. He then began practicing law and has also worked as legal counsel in private organizations in Switzerland. His research interests include conflict of laws, economic analysis of law, contract law, matrimonial law and migration law.

He is a member of the Spanish and Swiss Bar Associations and is fluent in English, German and Spanish.