Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law, International Criminal Law and Criminology

«Knowing laws does not mean knowing their words, but their intent and purpose.»
(Corpus Juris Civilis, Codex Justinianus)
The task of the Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law including Administrative Criminal Law and Law on Secondary Penalties held by Prof. Andreas Eicker is to research, appropriately question and scrutinise criminal law as well as to impart the skills that this requires. Working together with his team, the Professor undertakes research and teaching in the fields of substantive and formal criminal law, focusing in particular on administrative and supplementary criminal law.
Prof. Eicker has been Dean of the Faculty of Law since August 2024.
University of Lucerne
Faculty of Law
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law
Frohburgstrasse 3
P.O. Box
6002 Lucerne
andreas.eicker @