Anja Mesmer, MLaw
Doctoral fellow
T+41 41 229 53 54
anja.mesmer @
Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Lucerne, Room 4.A30
After completing her bilingual (English-German) matura in the canton of Basel-Stadt, Anja Mesmer began her bachelor’s degree in law at the University of St. Gallen. During her bachelor’s studies, Anja Mesmer worked as an auxiliary assistant for the Coaching Programme at the University of St. Gallen.
For her master’s degree, Anja Mesmer attended the University of Lucerne’s Faculty of Law, where in the summer of 2022, she completed her master with the profile “Law, Technology and Sustainability” (summa cum laude).
From March to July 2022, Anja worked as a research assistant for the chair of Prof. Dr. iur. Mira Burri. Since August 2022, Anja is a doctoral fellow with the same chair and works on a dissertation project in the area of international economic and human rights law.