Updated TAPED Dataset 2024 Released!

Prof. Dr. Mira Burri and her Trade Law 4.0 team proudly present the newest version of the TAPED Dataset.

The TAPED Dataset offers a comprehensive mapping of digital trade provisions found in preferential trade agreements (PTAs) since 2000. In this updated release, the number of coded agreements has increased to 465, encompassing the latest PTAs with digital trade chapters and provisions.

The dataset’s scope has also been expanded, with the number of coded items growing to 130. Notable additions include provisions focusing on the “right to regulate” and the latest advancements in the section on “new data economy issues”.

These updates reflect our continuing commitment to providing valuable, detailed insights into the evolution of digital trade rulemaking in PTAs. We invite you to explore the enhanced TAPED Dataset and trust it will remain a vital open-access resource for researchers, policymakers, and experts engaged in digital trade regulation.

For access to the dataset and additional material, please visit our website.

Most news is only available in German.