Fake News and the Regulation of Platforms in the US and the EU

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mira Burri and Dr. Lucy Keller (Discussant) from the event series Social Media and Human Rights, organized by the Swiss Section of the International Commission of Jurists and the University of Lucerne.

Date: 24 November 2022
Time: 18.15 h to 19.30 h
Location: University of Lucerne, 4.B55

Social media make it possible to exchange information more quickly across spatial boundaries and thus offer a variety of opportunities to strengthen opinion-forming with new forms of communication. However, social media are also used as a vehicle for disinformation or discrimination and thus impair the free formation of will, which is particularly central to democratic processes. The Swiss Section of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ-CH) is dedicating a series of lectures at various Swiss universities to the multifaceted opportunities and risks of social media for human rights.

Online participation is also possible: unilu.zoom.us/j/67384624674
(Meeting ID: 673 8462 4674; Passcode: 955313; no pre-registration necessary)


Flyer (only available in German)

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