Ass.- Prof. Dr. Sandra Bärnreuther

Assistant Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology
sandra.baernreuther @
Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 3.A31
Sandra Bärnreuther is an assistant professor (tenure-track) at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Lucerne. Her teaching and research interests revolve around the fields of medical anthropology, political anthropology, anthropology of the digital, and anthropology of knowledge. In her current project, she examines data-driven development in India and Kenya. Sandra is the author of “Substantial Relations: Making Global Reproductive Medicine in Postcolonial India,” a historically informed ethnography of IVF in India.
After studying at several universities in Germany, India, and the USA, Sandra Bärnreuther received her PhD from the South Asia Institute and the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” at the University of Heidelberg. She taught at Heidelberg, the University of Chicago, and the University of Zurich and was a visiting researcher at the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Oxford, and the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. She is currently a member of the Swiss Young Academy.
Research Priorities
Thematic Research Interests
- Medical Anthropology
- Political Anthropology
- Anthropology of the Digital
- Anthropology of Development
- Social Inequalities
- Feminist Science and Technology Studies
- Anthropology of Knowledge
- Social Transformation Processes
- Anthropology and History
Regional Research Interests
- South Asia
- Northern and Eastern India
- Africa-India Relations
- Global Entanglements
Current Projects
- “Big Data for Precise Interventions: Data-driven Development in India and Kenya” (2024-2028)
Completed Projects
- Visions of the Social: The Transformation of State Planning in Postcolonial India. Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Ambizione)
- The Transnational Commodity Chain of a Pharmaceutical. Funded by the Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme in the Social Sciences and the Indian Council of Social Science Research. 2015–2017
- Reproductive Medicine in India. Funded by the Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe,” University of Heidelberg. 2010–2014
- Childbirth in Ladakh. Funded by the Germany Academic Exchange Service. 2007
- Bärnreuther, S. (2025). Financializing Maternal and Newborn Care: Temporal Tensions within a Development Impact Bond in India. Development and Change.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2024). Surveillance Medicine 2.0: Digital Monitoring of Community Health Workers in India. Anthropology & Medicine.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2023). Disrupting Healthcare? Entrepreneurship as an “innovative” financing mechanism in India’s primary care sector. Social Science and Medicine.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2021). Racializing Infertility: How South/Asian-ness has been Constituted as an Independent Risk Factor in Infertility Research and IVF Practice. Social Science and Medicine, 280, 114008 ff. Retrieved from
- Bärnreuther, S. (2020). Traders of Gametes, Brokers of Values: Mediating Commercial Gamete Donations in Delhi. Economy & Society, 49 (3), 455–473.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2019). When Time Stretches: Waiting and In Vitro Fertilization in India, 269–285.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2018). Suitable Substances: How Biobanks (Re)Store Biologicals. New Genetics and Society, 37 (4), 319–337.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2018). From Urine in India to Ampoules in Europe: The Relational Infrastructure of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 143 (1), 41–60.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2016). Innovations ‘Out of Place’: Controversies Over IVF Beginnings in India Between 1978 and 2005. Medical Anthropology, 35 (1), 73–89.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2008). Home or Hospital Delivery? The Perception and Use of Biomedicine in a Rural Village in Ladakh. Ladakh Studies Journal, 23, 12–19.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2021). In-Vitro-Fertilisation. Weshalb so grosser Markt in Indien? Cogito, 7, 34 ff. Retrieved from
- Bärnreuther, S. (2020). Entrepreneurship and E-Health: How Promises of Innovation are Transforming India’s Primary Care Sector. Somatosphere. Retrieved from
- Bärnreuther, S., & Cromer, R. (2019). Transforming Life: Mutable Materials in Reproductive Biobanks. Blog of ReproSoc. Retrieved from
- Bärnreuther, S., Böhmer, M., & Witt, S. (2020). Editorial: Feierabend? (Rück-)Blicke auf »Wissen«. In Bärnreuther, Sandra, Böhmer, Maria & Witt, Sophie (Eds.), Nach Feierabend. Zürcher Jahrbuch für Wissensgeschichte 15: Feierabend? (Rück-)Blicke auf »Wissen« . Zürich: Diaphanes.
- Bärnreuther, S., & Quack, J. (2019). ?-Graphy. Book Symposium on “After Ethnos.” HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 19 (1), 183–187.
- Bärnreuther, S. (2018). Hormones. In Cultural Anthropology Website . Retrieved from
- Bärnreuther, S. (2011). Book Review: Where There Is No Midwife. Birth and Loss in Rural India. Anthropos, 106 (1).
- Governing (through) Healthcare: India’s Digital Health Infrastructure as a Global Public Good? Lecture, Conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology and the Society for Social Studies of Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2024
- Financializing Reproductive Care: How a development impact bond is creating investment opportunities in India. Lecture, Conference: Impact Hau? Ethnographic Critiques of Sustainable Finance, University of Bologna, Bologna, 2024
- Traders of Gametes, Brokers of Values: Mediating Commercial Gamete Donations in Delhi. Lecture, Reproductive Trouble? Gender, Technology, Politics, University of Geneva, Institute for Gender Studies, Genf, 2023
- Governing (through) Healthcare: India’s Digital Health Infrastructure and its Definition as a Global Public Good. Lecture, Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, University of Toronto, Toronto, 2023
- Visions of the Digital: from a tool for healthcare delivery to a public good. Lecture, Digitalizing Social Services. New Regimes of Welfare and Development in the Global South, University of Lucerne, Luzern, 2023
- Caring for Accountability: Digital Audit of Community Health Workers in India. Lecture, Promises and Realities of Digital (Re)configurations, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, 2023
- From Investing in Health to Health as an Investment: The Case of an Impact Bond in India. Lecture, Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists, SOAS University of London, London, 2023
- The Medical Gaze in a Digital Age: Datafying Primary Healthcare in India. (Panel) contribution, Symposium: The Datafication of Health: Novel Distributions and Reconfigurations of Expertise, University St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 2022
- Infertilität und In Vitro Fertilisation in Indien. Key Note, Infertilität, Höhere Fachschule Pflege, Bildungszentrum für Gesundheit und Soziales, Chur, Chur, 2022
- The medical gaze in a digital age: transforming primary care in India. Lecture, Digital Technologies and the Future of Health: Aspirations, Care and Data, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, 2021
- Entrepreneurship and E-Health: How Promises of Innovation are Transforming India’s Primary Care Sector. Lecture, Innovative Approaches in Health Care. India and beyond, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Online, 2021
- Micro Healthcare: Credit, entrepreneurship, and new markets in India’s primary care sector. Lecture, Health for All?, University of Oslo, Online, 2021
- Planning and its Afterlives: the case of public health in India. Lecture, New States/New Sciences, Kaplan, Martha; Kelly, John D.; Paidipaty, Poornima, Online, 2021
- Disrupting Care? Conflicting regimes of value in a digital health project in India. Lecture, Conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Society for Social Studies of Science, Online, 2021
- Somatic Temporalities in IVF Hospitals in India. Lecture, Temporalities of the Living: Health, Disease and Technology beyond the Life Course, STS Lab, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, 2020
- Hormonal Alchemy: The Transnational Commodity Chain of hCG. Lecture, Anthropology of Hormones, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2020
- Discussion on “Cultural Appropriation”. Moderation, Cultural Appropriation, ZETHNO, Zürich, 2023
- How Social Problems are Rendered Calculable: Development Impact Bonds in India. Lecture, Meeting of the German Anthropological Association, Konstanz, German Anthropological Association, Konstanz, 2019
- The Raw and the Ready-Made: Discourses Of Purity Around Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Lecture, Conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science, New Orleans, Society for Social Studies of Science, New Orleans, 2019
- Embryo Engagements. Lecture, The Politics and Ethics of Life in South Asia, University of Zurich, Zürich, 2018
- Textures and Transformations. Lecture, Fringe Science and Threadbare Knowledge, UZH and ETH Zurich, Zürich, 2017
- The Interdependence of Movement and Stabilization. Lecture, The Emergence and Dissolution of (Medical) Knowledge: Uncertainty and Openness, Center “History of Knowledge” at UZH and ETH Zurich, Zürich, 2017
- The Making of a Pharmaceutical: hCG and its Transnational Trajectory between India and Europe. Lecture, Transfigurationen: Medizin Macht Gesellschaft Macht Medizin, Conference at the University of Basel, Basel, 2017
- (Re-)storing Reproductive Substances: Biobanks as Transformative Spaces in IVF Hospitals in India. Lecture, Biobanques: Quelles Reconfigurations Pour Le Vivant? Approches Interdisciplinaires et Comparatives, Conference at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, Paris, 2016
- The Body in Action: Socio-material Engagements in In Vitro Fertilization Hospitals in India. Lecture, Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, Denver, Society for Social Studies of Science, Denver, 2015
- (Medizin) UND (Kultur) in der Ethnologie. Lecture, Was ist Medizin? Perspektiven aus den Medical Humanities, University of Zurich, Zürich, 2015
- Spaces of Evidence: Early IVF Experiments in India. Lecture, European Conference on South Asian Studies, Zurich, European Conference on South Asian Studies, Zürich, 2014
- Endocrine Tales: Communicating With and Through Bodies in IVF Clinics in India. Lecture, Praktiken & ihre Körper. Was für ein Artefakt ist der Leib?, Mainzer Symposium der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, Mainz, 2013
- Somatic Stories: Bodily Encounters in IVF Clinics in India. Lecture, Encounters and Engagements. Creating New Agendas for Medical Anthropology, Joint Conference at the University of Tarragona, Tarragona, 2013
- ‘Good’ Embryos: Technologies of Selection in IVF Laboratories. Lecture, Selective Reproductive Technologies – Routes of Routinisation and Globalization, Conference at the University of Copenhagen, Kopenhagen, 2012
- Blurring In Vivo/ In Vitro Boundaries: The Extension of the Body in IVF Clinics in India. Lecture, 111th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, 2012
- Biovalue. The Case of IVF in India. Lecture, Annual Conference of the Cluster “Asia and Europe” Heidelberg, Cluster “Asia and Europe”, Heidelberg, 2011
- Technologies in Circulation: Assisted Reproduction in India. Lecture, Annual Medical Anthropology Young Scholars Meeting, Warsaw, Medical Anthropology, Warschau, 2011
- Embryo Ethnographies. The Social Life of Gametes and Embryos. Lecture, AAS-ICAS Joint Conference, Honolulu, AAS-ICAS, Honolulu, 2011
- Transnational Reproductive Care in India. Reflections of an Intended Mother. Lecture, European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, Bonn, Modern South Asian Studies, Bonn, 2010
- Zwischen Haus- und Krankenhausgeburt – eine ethnologische Perspektive auf Geburt in Ladak. Lecture, Annual Conference of the Working Group Ethnomedicine at the University of Heidelberg, Working Group Ethnomedicine at the University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, 2009
- Home or Hospital? Negotiating Childbirth in Rural Ladakh. Lecture, Conference of the German Anthropological Association, Frankfurt, German Anthropological Association, Frankfurt, 2009
- Workshop with the Swiss Young Academy; Teaching at the Science-Society Interface, (Co-)Organiser, Bern, 2024
- Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Swiss Anthropological Association: Thinking Through Impact: Ethnographic Approaches, Panel organisation, Luzern, 2024
- Infernal Challenge: Narrating the Planetary Crisis, (Co-)Organiser, Luzern, 2023
- Conference: Approaching Biographies, Life-Histories, and Self Narratives: Transdisciplinary Perspectives from India and Europe, (Co-)Organiser, New Delhi, 2017
- Digitalizing Social Services. New Regimes of Welfare and Development in the Global South, Event chair, Luzern, 2023
- The Datafication of Health: Novel Distributions and Reconfigurations of Expertise, Member of organisation committee, St. Gallen, 2022
- Unequal data? Risks and opportunities for healthcare, Panel organisation, Online, 2021
- Global Health Futures and the Social Good, Panel organisation, Online, 2021
- Metrics: How Things are Rendered Calculable, (Co-)Organiser, Online, 2021
- Hormones on the Move: Transnational Entanglements in the Everyday, Panel organisation, New Orleans, 2019
- Annual Meeting of the Swiss Anthropological Association: Knowledge (Trans-)formations in Anthropology, (Co-)Organiser, Zürich, 2018
- Workshop: The Politics and Ethics of Life in South Asia, (Co-)Organiser, Zürich, 2018
- Workshop: Research in Teams and Reciprocal Anthropology, (Co-)Organiser, Zürich, 2016
- Conference: Fringe Science and Threadbare Knowledge, (Co-)Organiser, Zürich, 2017
- Workshop: ? –graphy, (Co-)Organiser, Zürich, 2017
- Workshop: Writing Spaces: Creative Writing for Anthropologists, (Co-)Organiser, Zürich, 2017
- Workshop: How to Get Published, (Co-)Organiser, Zürich, 2016
- South Asia Forum, (Co-)Organiser, Zürich, 2015
- Practices of Proof in South Asia: The Production, Negotiation and Use of Evidence in Medicine and Healing, Panel organisation, Zürich, 2014
- Travelling Technologies, Tracing Transculturality: Paradigm Shifts in Science, Medicine and Society, Panel organisation, Heidelberg, 2011
- Recasting healthcare in India: divisions of labour and hierarchies of expertise in digital primary care. Anthropology of Health Research Seminar, Durham, 2024
- Caring for Accountability: Digital Audit of Health Workers in India. Culture, Medicine, Power Research Group, London, 2024
- Financializing Healthcare in India: How an impact bond turns reproductive care into an investment opportunity. Reproduction Research Cluster, London, 2024
- From Investing in Health to Health as an Investment: The Case of an Impact Bond in India. Global Health Unpacked, Oslo, 2023
- Caring for Accountability: Digital Audit of Health Workers in India. Medical Anthropology and History Seminar, Oslo, 2023
- Risky Hormones Seminar: Book talk on Substantial Relations. Institute of the History of Medicine and Ethics in Medicine, Berlin, 2023
- Meet the Author: Book talk on Substantial Relations. STS Lab, Lausanne, 2023
- Talk in the library: Book talk on Substantial Relations. Institutskolloquium, Zürich, 2022
- Book talk on Substantial Relations. Conversations on Social Reproduction, London, 2022
- The medical gaze in a digital age. Datafying primary healthcare in India. Kolloquium, Kolkata, 2022
- Digital Transformations in India’s Primary Healthcare Sector. Seminar: Sociologie des inégalités en Inde, Paris, 2022
- Researching Reproductive Medicine in India. Approaching Research in the Field of Human Reproduction, Zurich, 2021
- Entrepreneurship for the social good? Value conflicts in a digital health project in India. Health and Wellbeing Lecture Series, Leipzig, 2021
- Financializing Healthcare in India? The Case of Impact Bonds. Medical Anthropology Forum, Heidelberg, 2021
- Participant Observation as a Method of Ethnography. Qualitative Research Methods in Social Sciences, Kolkata, 2020
- From Urine to Ampoule: The Commodity Chain of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin between India and Europe. ANSO Seminar, Genf, 2018
- Race as Risk? ‘Race’ and ‘ethnicity’ in medical research and clinical practice in India. Colloquium, Bayreuth, 2018
- Race as Risk? Race and ethnicity in medical research and clinical practice in India. Interrogating the Intersections of Race and Reproduction in Medicine, Science, and Technology, New York City, 2018
- Innovations Postcolonial: The Making of IVF in India. Innovationsgesellschaft heute: Die reflexive Herstellung des Neuen, Berlin, 2017
- Surprising Relations: The Untimely Commodity Chain of a Pharmaceutical. Colloquium, Luzern, 2017
- Producing Reproductive Medicine: A Hormone and its Transnational Commodity Chain. General Seminar, Kalkutta, 2016
- The Making of a Pharmaceutical: hCG and its Transnational Trajectory. Colloquium, New Delhi, 2016
- Messengers: Reading Transnational Relations between India and Europe Through the Trajectory of Biological Material. Colloquium, New Delhi, 2016
- Observing Things You Cannot See? Practices of Knowing in Embryology Laboratories in Delhi. Colloquium, Bern, 2016
- Innovations ‘Out of Place’: IVF Beginnings in India and Politics of Knowledge Production. Negotiations & Assertions. Engaging with Political Realities in Contemporary South Asia, Guwahati, 2016
- Out of Place: Contestations over In Vitro Fertilization Experiments in India between 1978 and 2005. Colloquium, Zürich, 2014
- Bemixt and Between: The Circulation of Gametes in Indian Fertility Clinics. Globalization and Biomedical Technologies: Circulation, Appropriation and Diversion, Paris, 2012
- Biomedical Lives: Doing Fieldwork on In Vitro Fertilization in Delhi. Medical Anthropology Forum, Heidelberg, 2012
- Board Member of the Research Center “Health and Society” at the University of Lucerne, Board member, Switzerland, 2024–
- Board Member of the Swiss Anthropological Association, Board member, Switzerland, 2024–
- Board Member of the Scientific Committee of the Swiss Graduate Program in Anthropology (CUSO), Board member, Switzerland, 2024–
- ZETHNO, Member, Switzerland, 2023–
- Swiss Young Academy, Member, Switzerland, 2020–2025
- Visiting (guest) researcher, University of Oslo, Institute of Health and Society, 2023–2023
- Associate Member, Center “History of Knowledge”, 2016–2020
- Member, Working Groups “Medical Humanities” and “Knowledge and Economy” at the Center “History of Knowledge” UZH and ETH Zurich, 2016–2020
- Board member, Association of the Academic Teaching and Research Staff of the University of Zurich, 2015–2019
- Representative of the academic teaching and research staff, Senate of the University of Zurich, 2016–2019
- Representative of the academic teaching and research staff, Gender Equality Commission of the University of Zurich, 2016–2019
- Representative of the academic teaching and research staff, Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, University of Zurich, 2015–2016