Dr. Ines Barner
Managing Director Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
T +41 41 229 55 16
ines.barner @ unilu.ch
Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 3.A01
Ines Barner is a literary scholar particularly interested in the interface between literature and publishing. She received her PhD at the University of Basel with a thesis on the history of collaborative writing between author and editor (1900–2000): What do editors do when they 'co-write' a text and what does this do to literature and its public?. From 2010 to 2015 she served as a research assistant at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Humanities “Morphomata” at the University of Cologne, and from 2014 to 2019 at the DFG/SNF research group "Medien und Mimesis" (Basel/Weimar). After she held a fellowship at the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, Essen (KWI) she became a Research Associate at the Chair for Science Studies at ETH Zurich (2021 to 2025).
She is a board member of the Foundation for a Critical Edition of Robert Walsers’ Work and part of intercom Verlag, a non-commercial publishing initiative for new publication, teaching and communication formats in the humanities and cultural studies.
with Markus Krajewski. Rekursion und Revision. Robert Walser, Christian Morgenstern und die mimetische Praxis des Schreibens (= Medien und Mimesis, Band 4). Paderborn: Brill.2022.
'Von anderer Hand'. Praktiken des Schreibens zwischen Autor und Lektor. Göttingen: Wallstein 2021.
Awarded with:
Prize for Archival Research of the Bodo Röhr Foundation 2022
Prize for Humanities of the Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the University of Basel 2021.
Reviews in Arbitrium (2023), in Sprache und Literatur (2022), in Editio (2022), in Zeitschrift für Germanistik (2022), in Blätter der Rilke-Gesellschaft (2022), in Wiener Zeitung (2021), on literaturkritik.de (2021)
Edited Volumes:
with Stephan Graf, Nils Güttler, Niki Rhyner, Vera Wolff, Monika Wulz (eds). 2025. Über Bücher. 101 Texte und Bilder für Michael Hagner, Wallstein.
with Anja Schürmann,Kathrin Yacavone (eds). 2022. Artistic Collaborations: The Practice and Aesthetics of Working Together, Journal of Literary Theory 16/1.
with Günter Blamberger. (eds). 2015. Dozentur für Weltliteratur – Michael Lentz, München: Fink.
with Günter Blamberger. (eds). 2013. Dozentur für Weltliteratur – Péter Esterházy, München: Fink.
2025. Syndikat, in: Ines Barner, Stephan Graf, Nils Güttler, Niki Rhyner, Vera Wolff, Monika Wulz (Hg.): Über Bücher. 101 Texte und Bilder für Michael Hagner, Wallstein, 178-181.
2025. In the Machine Room: Writing between Author and Editor, ca. 1900- 2000, in: Ecologies of Writing. Natural, Technical, and Social Conditions of Textual Production, ed. by Urs Büttner and Jacob Haubenreich, Bloomsbury (in print).
2022. with Anja Schürmann / Kathrin Yacavone (Guest Editors). Kooperation, Kollaboration, Kollektivität: Geteilte Autorschaften und pluralisierte Werke aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive. In: Journal of Literary Theory 16/1, 3–28.
2021. Auswählen, Bearbeiten, Adressieren. Lektorat und Lektüreerwartungen. In: Unterstellte Leseschaften. ed. Moritz Baßler / Hanna Engelmeier / Andrea Geier. DuEPublico.
2021. Schreiben im Kollektiv. Martin Mittelmeier und Saša Stanišić im Gespräch mit Ines Barner. In: Unterstellte Leseschaften. ed. Moritz Baßler / Hanna Engelmeier / Andrea Geier. DuEPublico.