Leonie Mathis


Leonie Mathis started her doctoral studies with Prof. Dr. Martin Hartmann in the spring semester of 2022. She already holds degrees in philosophy, science studies, and history from the University of Lucerne. She earned her master's degree in 2019 with a thesis on the philosophy of mind and Integrated Information Theory. As of 2022, she is researching a dissertation in which she is developing a taxonomy on "virtualizing" systems. The focus lies on a category- and concept-building method to reflect on the phenomenological, epistemological, and moral philosophical implications of virtual systems. To this end, Leonie Mathis completed a research semester at New York University NYU in 2022, under the supervision of Prof. David Chalmers, and is conducting research at the University of Tokyo UTokyo in the spring semester of 2023, in collaboration with Prof. Shinji Kajitani.

Leonie Mathis is also a certified specialist teacher at secondary school level and has experience in teaching. She specialized in the design and applicability of philosophy with her subject didactic thesis "Den Nagel zum ‘Nagel’ nageln” [english: “Nailing the 'Nail' to the 'Nail”]. Previously, she was a student assistant at the Institute for Social Ethics ISE at the University of Lucerne. In 2016, she founded the Association for Big Women of Switzerland  (oneeightyup.club). Besides that, she brings professional experience in IT, project management, futurology (think tanks), and an active engagement for several years with associations, commissions and conferences in the fields of philosophy and technology, as well as various offices in university politics.