Dr. phil. Roman Gibel

Senior Assistant
Consultation hours by appointment.
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From 2008 to 2011 (BA) and 2013 to 2014 (MA) studies in social and communication sciences in Lucerne with focus on organization and management. Starting in 2015, participation in the preliminary study for the project "Social Relations and Network Formation through Lodges, Guilds and Service Clubs: An Empirical Investigation" using FoKo start-up funding. From 2016 to 2019 doctorate with the title "Obskure Organisationen. Zum Verhältnis von organisationalen Institutionen und Mitgliedschaftsnetzwerken" in the field of sociology as assistant at the chair of sociology with focus on organization and knowledge under Prof. Raimund Hasse. In the winter semester 2017/18 visiting scholar at the Vienna University of Economics and Business at the institute for Organization Studies under Prof. Renate Meyer. Since 2019 senior assistant at the sociological seminar of the University of Lucerne.
Research Area:
- Economic Sociology
- Old and New Institutionalism
- Organization theory
- Social Networks
- Third-Sector-Studies
General teaching:
- - Scientific working techniques
- - KSF writing courses
- Gibel, R. (im Druck). Obskure Organisationen – Logen, Zünfte, Clubs. In Apelt, Maja & Tacke, Veronicka (Eds.), Handbuch Organisationstypen (2nd ed., pp. 583–597). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-39559-9
- Gibel, R., Arnold, N., Hasse, R., & Mormann, H. (2021). Nicht ganz passend? Moral und Organisation im Neo-Institutionalismus. In Armbruster, André & Besio, Cristina (Eds.), Organisierte Moral: Zur Ambivalenz von Gut und Böse in Organisationen (pp. 131–160). Wiesbaden: Springer. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-31555-9_7
- Gibel, R. (4 December 2020). Netzwerk: Perspektive, Trend oder Gefahr? Zentralinfo, IHZ, (04), 18–19. Retrieved from https://www.ihz.ch/wirtschaftspolitik/newsdetail-wirtschaft/news/zentralinfo-042020-netzwerk-perspektive-trend-oder-gefahr.html
- Gibel, R. (15 June 2020). Organisationen von gestern in der Welt von heute. Cogito. Das Wissensmagazin der Universität Luzern. Retrieved from https://www.unilu.ch/magazin/artikel/organisationen-von-gestern-in-der-welt-von-heute-10319/
- Moving beyond the Duality of Organizational Resistance. (Panel) contribution, 4th ORGANIZATION THEORY Winter Workshop, ORGANIZATION THEORY, Innsbruck, 2024
- Varieties of Resistance. What Organizations Do to Stay the Same. Lecture, 18th Workshop of Organizational Institutionalism, Torun Universität, Torun, Polen, 2023
- Varieties of Resistance. What Organizations Do to Stay the Same. Lecture, 18th Workshop of Organizational Institutionalism, New Institutionalism Network, Toruń, 2023
- Invested Resistance - How Organizations Invest to Stay the Same. Lecture, International Conference on Organizational Sociology (ICOS), DGS, ISA, Trondheim, 2022
- Die Legitimierung von Wettbewerb mittels rhetorischer Strategien. Eine Untersuchung des innerschweizerischen Unternehmenssteuerwettbewerbs. Lecture, Competition and Organization – Comparative Perspectives, DGS-Sektionen Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung und Organisationssoziologie, Berlin, 2022
- Competition and Legitimacy. The Organization of Corporate Tax Competition through Rhetorical Strategies. Lecture, 17TH WORKSHOP ON NEW INSTITUTIONALISM IN ORGANIZATION THEORY (NIW), IE UNIVERSITY, Madrid, 2022
- Vermittlung von wissenschaftlichem Stil in überfachlichen Schreibkursen. Kick-off speech, Lesen und Schreiben: Texte rezipieren, integrieren, produzieren, FHNW, Online, 2021
- Gender Equality in Men-only Organizations. Male Resistance and Support of Women Admission within Swiss Lodges. Lecture, Organizing for an Inclusive Society, EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies), Amsterdam (virtual), 2021
- Obscure Organizations: Legitimacy of Illegitimate Organizations. Lecture, Aktuelle Forschung in der Organisationssoziologie, Sektion Organisationssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, online, 2021
- Neubewertung durch Organisation: Von Berufsvertretern zu wahren Freunden. Lecture, Organisierte Personenbewertung, Fernuniversität Hagen, Hagen, 2020
- Post-Doc Workshop. Discussion contribution, EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies), University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 2020
- Adaptation and Resistance. Organizational Reactions to and Effects on Institutional Expectations. Lecture, New Institutionalism – 15th Workshop, Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Odense, 2020
- Von Vorreitern und Nachzüglern – gesellschaftliche Effekte organisierter Transparenz. Lecture, Organisationsgesellschaft reloaded, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Sektion Organisationssoziologie, Luzern, 2019
- Intra-organizational Values and Environmental Resistance. Lecture, Le Futur du Travail, Société Suisse de Sociologie, Neuchâtel, 2019
- Selznick Revisited: Leadership and Value Infusion in Obscure Organizations. Lecture, Formal Organization Today: Reconnecting with the Classics, EGOS (European Group of Organizational Studies), Edinburgh, 2019
- Selznick Revisited: Leadership, Value Infusion & Identity in Obscure Organizations. Lecture, New Institutionalism – 15th Workshop, Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Uppsala, 2019
- The Organization-Environment-Issue. An Institutional Perspective on Obscure Nonprofit Membership Organizations. Lecture, Forschungstage 2018, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Institution für Organization Studies, Vorau, 2018
- Invisible Ties: From Intraorganizational Networks to a Strong Tie Interorganizational Network. Lecture, 34th EGOS Colloquium, EGOS - European Group for Organizational Studies, Tallinn, 2018
- Invisible Ties. From intraorganizational networks to a strong tie interorganizational network. The case of a Swiss guild. Lecture, 34th EGOS-Colloquium, Universität Tallinn, Tallinn, 2018
- Obscure Organizations – Cases from the Third Sector. (Panel) contribution, 14th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Bocconi University, Milan, 2018
- Obscure Nonprofit-Organizations. A comparative case study. Lecture, 14th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Universität Milano, Milano, 2018
- The Making of Strong Ties. Formal Structure, Rituals and Ceremonies. Lecture, 13th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 2017
- Strong tie networks in elitist non-profit organizations – the case of lodges and guilds. Lecture, 12th New Institutionalism in Organization Theory Workshop, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2016
- Vernetzung über Nonprofit-Organisationen: Logen, Zünfte, Service Clubs. Poster, Sektionstagung Organisationssoziologie Nonprofitorganisationen – Entgrenzt in die Zukunft?, TU Dortmund, Dortmund, 2015
- Organizing Social Progress. On the Legacy of the International Industrial Relations Institute. Presentation, The 8th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Österreich, 2020
- Obskure Organisationen. Von Vetternwirtschaft zu brüderlicher Solidarität. Presentation, Auftakttagung des Arbeitskreises Organisation und Bewertung der Sektion Organisationssoziologie (DGS), Arbeitskreises Organisation und Bewertung der Sektion Organisationssoziologie (DGS), Bremen, 2019
- Erkenntnisse aus überfachlichen Schreibkursen der Universität Luzern: Maturaarbeit und Seminararbeit. Lecture, Basale fachliche Studierkompetenzen in der Erstsprache, Zentralschweizer Dialog Gymnasien – Hochschulen, Luzern, 2019
- The Making of Strong Ties: How Ceremonies in Third Sector Organizations Strengthen Regional Networks. Discussion contribution, Workshop on Institutional Analysis, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) - Scancor (Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research), Wien, 2017
- Obscure Nonprofit-Organizations. Strong Ties Within Regional Networks. Presentation, Forschungstage, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Institut für Organization Studies, Institut für Public Management und Governance, Forschungsinstitut für Urban Management und Governance, Benediktinerstift Göttweig, 2017
- Rationalized Nonprofit-Organizations. The Example of Guilds, Lodges and Service Clubs. Presentation, PhD Workshop:Institutional Organizational Analysis - Change and Transformation, CBS Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, 2016
- Institutional Theory and Conceptions of World Society. Lecture, World Society, Institutional Theory, and the Organized Actor. With John W. Meyer, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2016