Dr. phil. Roman Gibel

Foto Roman Gibel

Senior Assistant

Consultation hours by appointment.

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From 2008 to 2011 (BA) and 2013 to 2014 (MA) studies in social and communication sciences in Lucerne with focus on organization and management. Starting in 2015, participation in the preliminary study for the project "Social Relations and Network Formation through Lodges, Guilds and Service Clubs: An Empirical Investigation" using FoKo start-up funding. From 2016 to 2019 doctorate with the title "Obskure Organisationen. Zum Verhältnis von organisationalen Institutionen und Mitgliedschaftsnetzwerken" in the field of sociology as assistant at the chair of sociology with focus on organization and knowledge under Prof. Raimund Hasse. In the winter semester 2017/18 visiting scholar at the Vienna University of Economics and Business at the institute for Organization Studies under Prof. Renate Meyer. Since 2019 senior assistant at the sociological seminar of the University of Lucerne.