Dr. Patrick Schenk
Patrick Schenk received his M.A in sociology, macroeconomics, and philosophy from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. In January 2017, he earned his doctorate in sociology from the University of Zurich with a thesis on the consumption of fair trade products. From 2011 to mid-2018 he was a doctoral and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Zurich.
From 2014-2016 Patrick Schenk participated in the international SCOPES project „Life-Strategies and Survival Strategies of Households and Individuals in South-East European Societies in the Time of Crisis” as a researcher and project coordinator. In 2018, he was a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, Germany.
In August 2018, he joined the Department of Sociology at the University of Lucerne. His research covers topics in economic sociology, the sociology of consumption, the sociology of morality, and cultural sociology. Patrick Schenk published in the Journal of Consumer Culture, Social Problems, Sociological Perspectives, the Berliner Journal für Soziologie, and Sustainability.
In addition to his research activities Patrick Schenk has bee teaching with all his heart and soul by holding lectures, seminars and tutorials. Thus in November 2022 he receaved at the "Dies Academicus of the University of Lucerne" the award "Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching", a perhaps historical award.
- Schenk, P., Müller, V. A., & Keiser, L. (2024). Social Status and the Moral Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence. Sociological Science, (11), 989–1016. https://doi.org/10.15195/v11.a36
- Abend, G., Posselt, L., & Schenk, P. (2024). New Frontiers in the New Sociology of Morality: From AI and Inequality to Backgrounds and Material Enablers. Sociology Compass.
- Hashinaga, M., Schenk, P., Ishibashi, A., & Rössel, J. (2023). Socially responsible crowdfunding across the globe: A comparative analysis of Swiss, Japanese, and Chinese university students. Technology in Society, (73), 102247 ff.
- Rössel, J., Schenk, P., & Pap, I. (2023). Patterns of remittances of intra-European migrants: social relations and moral obligations. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 1–22.
- Schenk, P., Rössel, J., & Weingartner, S. (2021). It’s all about Distinction. The Lifestyle Embeddedness of Fair Trade Consumption. Sustainability.
- Schenk, P. (2021). Karpik in the Bottle: Can Judgment Devices Explain the Demand for Fine Wine? Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie.
- Weingartner, S., Schenk, P., & Rössel, J. (2021). The cogs and wheels of authenticity: How descriptive and evaluative beliefs explain the unequal appreciation of authentic products. Sociological Perspectives.
- Schenk, P. (2019). A Matter of Principle: Comparing Norm-Based Explanations for Fair Trade Consumption. Journal of Consumer Policy.
- Rössel, J., & Schenk, P. (2018). How Political is Political Consumption? The Case of Activism for the Global South and Fair Trade. Social Problems, 65 (2), 266–284. https://doi.org/10.1093/socpro/spx022
- Schenk, P., Rössel, J., & Scholz, M. (2018). Motivations and Constraints of Meat Avoidance. Sustainability, 10 (11), 3858 ff. https://doi.org/10.3390/su10113858
- Weingartner, S., Schenk, P., & Rössel, J. (2018). Geschmack im Glas oder im Auge des Betrachters? Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 19, 8 ff.
- Koos, S., Rössel, J., Schenk, P., Sunderer, G., & Müller, H.-P. (2017). Editorial. Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 26, 137–143.
- Schenk, P., Sunderer, G., & Rössel, J. (2016). Sind Deutschschweizer altruistischer als Deutsche? Ein Vergleich des Konsums fair gehandelter Produkte in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 26 (2), 145–170. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11609-016-0312-4
- Beckert, J., Rössel, J., & Schenk, P. (2016). Wine as a Cultural Product. Sociological Perspectives, 60 (1), 206 ff. https://doi.org/10.1177/0731121416629994
- Rössel, J., Schenk, P., & Eppler, D. (2016). The emergence of authentic products: The transformation of wine journalism in Germany, 1947-2008. Journal of Consumer Culture. https://doi.org/10.1177/1469540516668226
- Rössel, J., Schenk, P., & Weingartner, S. (2023). Sociology of consumption, leisure, and lifestyle. What is a theory of consumption a theory of? In Zafirovski, Milan (Ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Economic Sociology (pp. 490–507). Milton: Taylor & Francis Group.
- Rössel, J., Schenk, P., & Weingartner, S. (2021). The aesthetic moment in markets. In Maurer, Andrea (Ed.), Handbook of Economic Sociology in the 21st century - New theoretical approaches, empirical studies and developments (pp. 95–111). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Weingartner, S., Schenk, P., & Rössel, J. (2020). Aesthetic and ethical orientations in consumption and lifestyles. In Zafirovski, Milan (Ed.), A modern guide to Economic Sociology. Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Schenk, P. (2020). Wenn der Supermarkt nicht genügt. Einkaufsorte und soziale Distinktion im Feld des fairen Handels. In Baur, Nina, Hering, Linda & Kulke, Elmar (Eds.), Waren – Wissen- Raum. Interdependenz von Produktion, Markt und Konsum in Lebensmittelwarenketten. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Rössel, J., & Schenk, P. (2018). Researching the Transformation of Wine Discourse from 1974-2008 using Quantitative Content Analysis. In SAGE (Ed.), SAGE Research Methods Cases. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapur, Washington D.C: SAGE.
- Rössel, J., Schenk, P., & Weingartner, S. (2017). Cultural Consumption. In Scott, Robert A. & Buchmann, Marlis C. (Eds.), Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource. Hoboken, New Jersey, USA: Wiley Online Library. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118900772.etrds0432
- Rössel, J., Schenk, P., & Eppler, D. (2015). Feldspezifische Öffentlichkeiten. Die Transformation der Weinberichterstattung in Deutschland 1947-2008. In Rössel, Jörg & Roose, Jochen (Eds.), Empirische Kultursoziologie: Festschrift für Jürgen Gerhards zum 60. Geburtstag. (pp. 353–378). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Schenk, P., & Rössel, J. (2012). Identität und Qualität im Weinfeld. In Bernhard, Stefan, Schmidt-Wellenburg & Christian (Eds.), Feldanalyse als Forschungsprogramm (pp. 82–108). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
- Schenk, P. (19 December 2023). Vom Rande der Komfortzone zum «Best Teacher». News Universität Luzern. Retrieved from https://www.unilu.ch/news/vom-rande-der-komfortzone-zum-best-teacher-8154/
- Schenk, P. (8 October 2022). 30 Jahre Max Havelaar. Die schwierige Aufgabe, Kleinbauern im Süden zu unterstützen. srf.ch. Retrieved from https://www.srf.ch/news/wirtschaft/30-jahre-max-havelaar-die-schwierige-aufgabe-kleinbauern-im-sueden-zu-unterstuetzen
- Schenk, P. (5 October 2022). 30 Jahre Fair Trade Max Havelaar. 10 vor 10 (SRF).
- Schenk, P. (2021). Wie sollen wir auf Skandale wie bei Activision Blizzard reagieren? GameStar.
- Schenk, P. (2012). Review of Christoph Weischer (2011): Sozialstrukturanalyse. Grundlagen und Modelle. Lehrbuch. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 64 (3), 615–618.
- Schenk, P. (2012). Rezension zu Lucien Karpik (2010): Valuing the Unique. The Economics of Singularities. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 64 (2), 415–417.
- Schenk, P., Müller, V., & Keiser, L. (2024). Between Adoption and Doubt: A Census of Moral Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence among Students at the University of Lucerne. (Universität Luzern, Ed.). Luzern. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10405081
- Beckert, J., Rössel, J., & Schenk, P. (2014). Wine as a Cultural Product: Symbolic Capital and Price Formation in the Wine Field.
- Szvircsev Tresch, T., Gabathuler, T., & Schenk, P. (2012). Die Bedeutung der militärischen Ausbildung bei Stellenbesetzungen für privatwirtschaftliche Unternehmen und öffentliche Verwaltungen. Zurich Birmensdorf: Chair for Miltary Sociology Military Academy of the Federal Institue of Technology (ETH).
- Earning their Rights! Ontology, Social Relations, and the Attribution of Moral Rights to AI. Lecture, Kongress der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Schweizer Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Muttenz, 2024
- Pleasure or Virtue? Conceptions of Wellbeing and Ethical Consumption. Lecture, 16th ESA Conference, European Sociological Association, Porto, 2024
- Is ethical consumption related to Eudaimonic or Hedonic wellbeing? Analysis from a Switzerland-Japan Perspective. Lecture, The 11th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Positive Psychology Association, Innsbruck, 2024
- With Great Power Comes Great Acceptance? Social Status and the Moral Acceptability of AI Systems. (Panel) contribution, Knowledge Societies – 4th Conference of the Academy of Sociology, Academy of Sociology, Universität Bern, 2023
- Motivational Underpinnings that Support Socially Responsible Crowdfunding: Analysis from a Switzerland-China-Japan Perspective. Lecture, The 14th Biennial Conference of ACFEA, ACFEA, Kitakyushu, 2023
- Karpik in the Bottle: Can Judgement Devices Explain the Demand for Fine Wine. Lecture, ESA RN 09 Economic Sociology Midterm Conference, European Sociological Association, Konstanz, 2018
- Socially Responsible Crowdfunding Across the Globe. A Comparative Analysis of Swiss, Chinese, and Japanese University Students. Lecture, The Transformation of Banking from a Sociological Perspective: Digital and Sustainable Challenges, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Lausanne, 2023
- With Great Power Comes Great Acceptance? Social Status and the Moral Acceptability of AI Systems. Lecture, AS23: Knowledge Society, Akademie für Soziologie, Bern, 2023
- Dimensions of Cultural Openness in the Wine Field. Lecture, CARME 2023 Conference, CARME, Bonn, 2023
- The good, the bad, and the ugly: Ethics and aesthetics in consumption and lifestyles. Lecture, Mid-term Conference of ESA Research Network of Sociology of Consumption (RN05), ESA Research Network of Sociology of Consumption (RN05), University of Oslo, 2020
- Patterns of Remittances of Intra-European Migrants: Social Networks and Moral Obligations. Lecture, The Economic Sociology of Marketplaces. Interim Conference of The Economic Sociology Section of SSA, The Economic Sociology Section of SSA, St. Gallen, 2022
- Remittances, moral obligations and social networks. A case study of intra-European migrants. Lecture, 13th Annual INAS Conference 2021, International Network of Analytical Sociology, Tokyo, 2021
- Authenticity in Practice - An Experimental Study on Social Inequality in Food Consumption. Lecture, Mid-term Conference of ESA Research Network of Sociology of Consumption, European Sociological Association - ESA Research Network of Sociology of Consumption, Kopenhagen, 2018
- Konsum und soziale Ungleichheit in modernen Gesellschaften. Fachbereich Allgemeinbildung, Luzern, 2023
- Socially Responsible Crowdfunding Across the Globe. A Comparative Analysis of Swiss, Chinese, and Japanese University Students. Forschungskolloquium Empirische Sozialforschung, Konstanz, 2023
- It's all about Distinction?! Lebensstile und der Konsum fair gehandelter Produkte im globalen Norden. Forschungskolloquium «Globale Gesellschaft», München, 2023
- What Makes and Artificial Intelligence Morally Good or Bad? Forschungskolloquium Lab of Ideas, Luzern, 2023
- Essen für den gerechten Handel: was macht den fairen Handel in der Schweiz so erfolgreich? Qu'est-ce qu'on mange demain?, Fribourg, 2018
- Journal of Consumer Culture, 2024
- Social Science Research, 2024
- Social Psychology Quarterly, 2024
- Swiss Journal of Sociology, 2024
- Food Ethics, 2023
- Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023
- Journal of Rural Studies, 2023
- Theory and Society, 2022
- Journal of Consumer Culture, 2022
- Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 2022
- Frontiers in Psychology, 2022
- Worldwide Waste: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2022
- Swiss Political Science Review, 2021
- Review of Social Economy, 2021
- Swiss Journal of Sociology, 2021
- Foods, 2021
- Nutrients, 2020
- Sustainability, 2020
- Social Forces, 2020
- Appetite, 2020
- Poetics, 2018
- Socio-Economic Review, 2018
- Max Planck Institut für Gesellschaftsforschung, 2018
- American Journal of Sociology, 2017