Prof. Dr. Joachim Blatter
Head of the Department of Political Science; Professor of Political Science and Political Theory
T +41 41 229 55 92
F +41 41 229 55 85
joachim.blatter @
Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 3.B16
Appointments upon request
Curriculum Vitae
- Curriculum Vitae_Prof. Dr. Joachim Blatter
Joachim Blatter is Professor of Political Science at the University of Lucerne since 2008. He studied Social Sciences, Public Administration and Law at the University of Konstanz (Germany). In 1999, he received his PhD in Political Science with a thesis on "Political Institution Building in Cross-Border Regions in Europe and North America" from the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. In 2006, he finished his Habilitation titled "Governance: Theoretische Formen und historische Transformationen" at the University of Konstanz. From 2006 to 2008, he held a position as Assistant Professor at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. He did research and taught at many other institutions: the University of St. Gall, the Free University of Berlin, the University of Zurich, the University of Victoria, the California State University in San Bernardino, Harvard University, the European University Institute in Florence, the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, the Institut für Höhere Studien, Vienna, and the Australian National University, Canberra.
List of Publications
Major Fields of Research and Related Projects and Publications
In general, I am interested in the principled challenges and transformations of democracy in the Western world. More recently, I focus on the transnationalization of national democracies. I believe that Western democracies must join forces and should re-constitutionalize and transnationalize their forms of democracy in order to democratize the existing intergovernmentalist system of cooperation, which is important to address populist and authoritarian challenges. The following aspects are crucial:
- Taking the spread of multiple/dual citizenships as an inspiration for jointly constitutionalizing overlapping demoi
- Taking the trends to enfranchise non-national residents and non-resident nationals as an inspiration for granting not only migrants/mobile people, but also sedentary people the opportunity to get voting rights in multiple national elections
- Taking the increased (technical) opportunities for external influence in the will-formation processes of national democracies as a stimulus for opening up legitimate and jointly constitutionalized channels of transnational influence
- Taking the insight seriously that even formally equal relationships among polities are always characterized by asymmetric power relations as an inspiration to think about the democratization of empires
- Project "Towards Transnational Voting in/for Europe!?"
- Lecture "The Second Transformation of Democracy" (German)
- Lecture "Transnational Democracy" (German)
- Project "Changing Boundaries of the Demos"
- Blatter, Joachim, Elie Michel, and Samuel D. Schmid. 2022. “Enfranchisement Regimes Beyond De-Territorialisation and Post-Nationalism: Definitions, Implications, and Public Support for Different Electorates.”
- Blatter, Joachim, Samuel Schmid, and Elie Michel 2022. Expanding Electorates beyond the Migration/Kin-Minority Lenses: Polity Transformations and Democratic Contestation. In preparation
- Blatter, Joachim, and Johannes Schulz. 2022. Intergovernmentalism and the Crisis of Democracy: The Case for a Horizontal Expansion of Representative Democracies. Under review
- 2021. Citizens Preference for Voting Rights in Europe [Dataset]. Distributed by FORS, Lausanne. (August 30, 2021).
- Blatter, Joachim, and Rainer Bauböck. 2019. Let Me Vote in Your Country, and I’ll Let You Vote in Mine. A Proposal for Transnational Democracy. Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies.(September 9, 2020).
- Blatter, Joachim (2019): Complementing Democracies Horizontally and Not (Just) Vertically: Aspirations, Theoretical Foundations, Conceptual Innovations, and Comparative Advantages. In Joachim Blatter and Rainer Bauböck (eds.), Let Me Vote in Your Country, and I’ll Let You Vote in Mine. A Proposal for Transnational Democracy, EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2019/25; 46-55.
- Blatter, Joachim (2018c): Die transnational verflochtene Welt demokratisiert. Terra Cognita, 33, 42-44.
- Blatter, Joachim (2018b): Let Me Vote in Your Country, and I’ll Let You Vote in Mine. A Proposal for Transnational Democracy. Kick-off contribution to a debate at the GlobalCit Forum, hosted by the European University Institute in Florence.
- Blatter, Joachim. 2018a. Transnationalizing Democracy Properly: Principles and Rules for Granting Consociated Citizens Voting Rights and Partisan Representation in the Parliaments of Nation States. WZB Berlin Social Science Center (January 8, 2020).
- Chapter "Switzerland. Bilateralism’s polarizing consequences in a very particular/ist democracy"
- Chapter "Efficiency and Democracy"
- Chapter "Die Schweizer Demokratie(vorstellungen) vor
den Herausforderungen der Globalisierung"; order book - Article "Horizontal Federalism and Swiss Democracy" (German)
- Article "Dual Citizenship and Theories of Democracy" (in Citizenship Studies)
- Article "Contingent Critique on the Basis of a Complex Theory of Reflective Democracy" (German)
- Article "Democracy and Legitimacy" (German)
- Article "Legitimacy" in the Sage Governance Encyclopedia
- Article "Glocalization" in the Sage Governance Encyclopedia
- Working Paper "What Happened/s to Inclusion?" (with Andrea Blättler and Samuel D. Schmid)
- Working Paper "Kritik der Schweizer Demokratie"
- Article in the NZZ: "Demokratie - republikanische und liberale Sicht" (German)
- Article in the NZZ: "Bring die EU tatsächlich weniger Demokratie?" (German)
- Article in the NZZ: "Doppelbürger sind kein Risiko" (German)
- Article in the NZZ: "Moderne Grenzen des Demos" (German)
From 2008 to 2015, I focussed on migration and its impact on citizenship. In our research we looked at the interaction amongst national, transnational and cosmopolitan citizenship and their particular forms of political engagement (interests, identification, participation and solidarity). A core feature of our research is to clearly differentiate between transnational (i.e. multinational) and cosmopolitan (i.e. supranational) citizenship. Empirically, we looked at the extent to which the status of dual citizenship has an impact on political information, participation and identification in the country of residence and on the development of transnational and cosmopolitan political involvement.
Projects and Publications
- SNSF-Project "Dual Citizens" (with Andrea Schlenker)
- Joachim Blatter, Samuel D. Schmid, and Andrea C. Blättler (2017). “Democratic Deficits in Europe: The Overlooked Exclusiveness of European Nation-States and the Positive Role of the European Union”, Journal of Common Market Studies, 55:3, 449-467-The article received the prize for the best article published in JCMS in 2017
- Chapter "Vom Demokratiedefizit europäischer Nationalstaaten: Elektorale Exklusivität im Vergleich" (with Samuel Schmid & Andrea Blättler)
- Chapter "Kein Stimmrecht – trotzdem mitstimmen" (with Clemens Hauser and Sonja Wyrsch)
- Article "Practicing Transnational Citizenship: Dual Nationality and Simultaneous Political Involvement among Emigrants" (in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies) (with Andrea Schlenker and Ieva Birka)
- Article "Dual Citizenship and Theories of Democracy" (in Citizenship Studies)
- Article "Dual Citizenship for Ethnic Minorities in Neighbouring Kin States" (in an EUI Working Paper)
- Presentation "Dual Citizenship and Political Participation" (presented at the EUI / EUDO Citizenship in Florence)
- Article "Conceptualizing and evaluating (new) forms of citizenship between nationalism and cosmopolitanism" (in Democratization) (with Andrea Schlenker)
- Working Paper "Between Nationalism and Globalism" (with Andrea Schlenker)
- Working Paper "The Immigrant Inclusion Index (IMIX)" (with Andrea Blättler and Samuel D. Schmid)
By Andrea Schlenker
- Article "Divided Loyalty? Identification and political participation of dual citizens in Switzerland" (in European Political Review)
- Article "Transnational status and cosmopolitanism: are dual citizens and foreign residents cosmopolitan vanguards?" (in Global Networks)
From 2000 to 2010, my research focussed on theorizing and tracing the transformations of governance. The notion of governance allows for a multi- and transdisciplinary conceptualization of political steering and integration by bringing together a multiplicity of theories from diverse fields of the social sciences and from cultural studies. This permits for a wider understanding of politico-societal steering and integration. Core elements from economics, sociology, psychology as well as cultural and communication studies can be loosely connected through a typology of forms of Governance. All ideal types are characterized by specific micro-foundations (theories of individual behaviour) and by the corresponding institutional structures and mechanisms.
Paradigms and real cases of political steering and integration are analysed and interpreted with the help of such typologies. Whereas the dissertation focused on forms of governance in European and North American border regions, the Habilitation work looks at changes in the underlying conceptions (paradigms) towards political steering and integration at US metropolitan regions from 1850 until 2000. The empirical analysis makes it clear that the latest paradigm shift is characterised by the change of a rational-instrumental to a reflexive-constitutive approach towards socio-political steering and integration.
Projects and Publications
- Habilitation "Governance - theoretische Formen und historische Transformationen. Politische Steurungs- und Integrationsformen in Metropolregionen der USA (1850-2000)"
- PhD Thesis "Entgrenzung der Staatenwelt? Politische Institutionenbildung in grenzüberschreitenden Regionen in Europa und Nordamerika"
- Article "Enhancing gender equity through evidence-based policy-making? Theorizing and tracing the use of systematic knowledge in family and tax policy reforms" (in European Policy Analysis) (with Clara Bombach and Roman Wiprächtiger)
- Article "Performing Symbolic Politics and International Environmental Regulation: Tracing and Theorizing a Causal Mechanism beyond Regime Theory" (in Global Environmental Politics)
- Article "The Foreign Relations of European Regions: Competences and Strategies" (in West European Politics) (with Matthias Kreutzer, Michaela Rentl & Jan Thiele)
- Article "Die Vielfalt des 'New Regionalism'. Communitarian, civic and creative-Governance Ansätze in den US-amerikanischen Metropolregionen" (in disP)
- Article "Geographic Scale and Functional Scope in Metropolitan Governance Reform: Theory and Evidence from Germany" (in Journal of Urban Affairs)
- Article "Metropolitan Governance in Deutschland: Normative, utilitaristische, kommunikative und dramaturgische Steurungsansätze" (in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft)
- Article "From 'Spaces of Place' to 'Splaces of Flows'? Territorial and Functional Governance in Cross-border Regions in Europe and North America" (in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research)
- Article "Beyond Hierarchies and Networks: Institutional Logics and Change in Trans-boundary Political Spaces" (in Governance)
- Article "Netzwerkstruktur, Handlungslogik und politische Räume: Institutionenwandel in europäischen und nordamerikanischen Grenzregionen" (in Politische Vierteljahresschrift)
- Article "States, Markets and Beyond: Governance of Transboundary Water" (in Natural Ressources Journal)
- Working Paper "Forms of Political Governance: Theoretical Foundations and Ideal Types"
- Chapter "Governance Muster in deutsche Metropolregionen"
- Chapter "Metropolitan Governance - Institutionelle Strategien, Dilemmas und Kombinationsmöglichkeiten für die Steurung und Integration von Metropolregionen"
- Chapter "Governance als transdisziplinäres Brückenkonzept für die Analyse von Formen und Transformationen politischer Steurung und Integration"
- Chapter "Die Vielfalt des New Regionalism in den USA"
- Chapter "Metropolitan Governance: Theoretische Formen, vielfältige Reformen und der aktuelle Nivellierungsdruck in deutschen Grossstadtregionen"
- Discussion Paper "Conceptions of 'Democracy', 'Welfare' and 'Justice' in Discourses on Metropolitan Governance: The Social Constructivist Challenge to the Public Choice School"
- Chapter "Debordering the World of States: Towards a Multi-Level System in Europe and a Multi-Polity System in North America? Insights from Border Regions"
- Chapter "Dimensionen und Ursachen des Wandels politischer Institutionen im 20. Jahrhundert: Erkenntnisse aus europäischen und nordamerikanischen Grenzregionen"
- Chapter "Grenzüberschreitende Regionenbildung und Europäische Integration. Erkenntnisse aus einem transatlantischen Vergleich"
- Chapter "Formen grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit: Erkenntnisse aus einer theoriegeleiteten und interkontinental sowie intertemporal vergleichende Studie"
During the last 15 years, I made major contributions to qualitative research methods. When it comes to the design of case studies, I am advocating a pluralist approach, which does not only include the traditional comparative cases designs (also called Co-Variational Analysis), and (Causal) Process Tracing, but also Congruence Analysis, which aims at comparing the empirical power of distinct theoretical frameworks, instead of isolating the causal influence of a variable or identifying the working of causal mechanisms. A further important stance in my methodological contributions is the emphasis on “configurational thinking” (Charles Ragin). In consequence, we set up the “Lucerne Cluster for Configurational Methods (LUCCS).”
Lucerne Cluster for Configurational Methods (LUCCS)
Textbooks and Compendiums
- Blatter, Joachim; van Hulst, Merlijn & Haverland, Markus (2015): Introduction: Mechanisms, Temporality and Within-Case Analysis. In J. Blatter; M. Haverland & M. van Hulst (eds.), Qualitative Research in Political Science. Volume III. Mechanisms, Temporality and Within-Case Analysis, 7-13. London et al.
- Blatter, Joachim; van Hulst, Merlijn & Haverland, Markus (2015): Introduction: Interpretive and Constructivist Approaches. In J. Blatter; M. Haverland & M. van Hulst (eds.), Qualitative Research in Political Science. Volume IV. Interpretive and Constructivist Approaches, 7-14. London et al.
- Blatter, Joachim; van Hulst, Merlijn & Haverland, Markus (2015): Introduction: Backgrounds, Pathways and Direction of Qualitative Methodology. In J. Blatter; M. Haverland & M. van Hulst (eds.), Qualitative Research in Political Science. Volume I. Backgrounds Pathways and Directions of Qualitative Methodology, 19-29. London et al.
- Blatter, Joachim; van Hulst, Merlijn & Haverland, Markus (2015): Introduction: Causal Regularities, Cross-Case Comparisons, Configurations. In J. Blatter; M. Haverland & M. van Hulst (eds.), Qualitative Research in Political Science. Volume II. Causal Regularities, Cross-Case Comparisons, Configurations, 7-12. London et al.
- Qualitative Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft. Eine Einführung. Grundwissen Politik 76, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, (with P. Langer and C. Wageman), October 2017
- Designing Case Studies: Explanatory Approaches in Small-N Research. Palgrave (with Markus Haverland), 2012; Slightly modified paper-back edition published in 2014; order the book
- Qualitative Politikanalyse. Eine Einführung in Forschungsansätze und Methoden. Grundwissen Politik 44, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, (with F. Janning and C. Wagemann), 2007
Contributions to the methodological discourse
- Conference Paper ECPR 2017, Nottingham: "Parsimony or Coherence: Alternative Principles for Designing Two Coherent Types of Configurational Comparative Analysis" (with Samuel Huber)
- Conference Paper APSA 2016, Philadelphia: "Aligning Methodologies to Epistemologies and Ontologies in Qualitative Research: An Ideal-Typical Approach"
- Conference Paper ECPR 2012, Antwerp: "Taking Terminology and Timing Seriously: On Ontological and Epistemological Foundations of Causal-Process Tracing"
- Conference Paper SPSA 2012, Lucerne: "Innovations in Case Study Methodology: Congruence Analysis and the Relevance of Crucial Cases"
- In search of co-variance, causal mechanisms or congruence? Towards a plural understanding of case studies. Swiss Political Science Review,14(2), 115-156 (with Till Blume), 2008
- Co-Variation and Causal Process Tracing Revisted: Clarifying New Directions for Causal Inference and Generalization in Case Study Methodology. Qualitative Methods - Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Reserach, 6(1), 29-34, 2008
- Frontiers of Methodological Progress in Qualitative Research. Special Issue of German Policy Studies, 7, 3, 2011 (co-edited with Fritz Sager)
- Introduction: Frontiers of Methodological Progress in Qualitative Research. German Policy Studies, 7, 3, 2011, 1-7 (with Fritz Sager)
Major applications of case study and QCA methods
- Enhancing Gender Equity Through Evidence-based Policy-Making? Theorizing and Tracing the Use of Systematic Knowledge in Family and Tax Policy Reforms. European Policy Analysis, (with Clara Bombach and Roman Wiprächtiger), 1(1), 3-34, 2015.
- Performing Symbolic Politics and International Environmental Regulation. Tracing and Theorizing a Causal Mechanism beyond Regime Theory. Global Envirnomental Politics, 9(4), 81-110, 2009.
- Preconditions for Foreign Activities of European Regions. Publius - The Journal of Federalism (mit Matthias Kreuter, Michaela Rentl und Dan Thiele), 40 (1), 171-199, 2009
Click here to access Joachim Blatter's publications (including full texts)
Our main research focus is on the contemporary challenges that Western democracies face. We believe that we have to rethink and transform our understanding of democracy in order to cope with the technical, socio-economic and cultural challenges of the 21st Century. The main transformations can be scrutinized as follows:
- The transformation from national self-determination to cooperative decision-making in multi-layered systems
- The transformation of political interests formation and mediation from "representation" to "presentation" in multimodal systems of communication
- The transformation from exclusive to overlapping demoi through migration, mobility and multiple citizenship
While many commentators and most political scientists assume that the current challenges to democracy will lead to a crisis and even perhaps to its demise, our aim is to analyse both dangers and opportunities for democracy. In particular, we assume that new understandings and conceptualizations of democratic politics are needed. The "first transformation of democracy" (and democratic theory) occurred with the transformation from the direct and elitist democracy of the ancient Greek republics and early modernity to the representative national democracies of modern nation states. Assuming that we are currently experiencing a "second transformation of democracy," we need to ask the following questions:
- Which aspects of modern democratic rule are getting contingent, become politicised and in turn form the basis for a reconstitution of democracy? What are the main drivers and factors that influence these processes and their outcomes (positive analysis of the ongoing transformation of democracy)?
- Which principles, institutions and practices are necessary or helpful so that we can also speak of a legitimate and democratic political order after the second democratic transformation (normative evaluation of ongoing and proposed changes; development of own proposals)?
Projects and Publications
- Lecture "The Second Transformation of Democracy" (German)
- Lecture "Transnational Democracy" (German)
- Project "Changing Boundaries of the Demos"
- Article "Horizontal Federalism and Swiss Democracy" (German)
- Article "Dual Citizenship and Theories of Democracy" (in Citizenship Studies)
- Article "Contingent Critique on the Basis of a Complex Theory of Reflective Democracy" (German)
- Article "Efficiency and Democracy"
- Article "Democracy and Legitimacy" (German)
- Article "Legitimacy" in the Sage Governance Encyclopedia
- Article "Glocalization" in the Sage Governance Encyclopedia
- Article in the NZZ: "Demokratie - republikanische und liberale Sicht" (German)
Migration is seen mainly as a problem for the socioeconomic and political integration of nation states, in both public discourse and in most research within the social sciences. In contrast, many theorists and activists see migrants at the forefront of a transnational or cosmopolitan citizenship. In our research we aim to look at the interaction amongst national, transnational and cosmopolitan citizenship and their particular forms of political engagement (interests, identification, participation and solidarity). Theoretically, our main aim is to clearly differentiate between transnational (i.e. multinational) and cosmopolitan (i.e. supranational) citizenship. Empirically, we look at the extent to which the status of dual citizenship has an impact on political information, participation and identification in the country of residence and on the development of transnational and cosmopolitan political involvement.
Projects and Publications
- SNSF-Project "Dual Citizens" (with Andrea Schlenker)
- Article "Dual Citizenship and Theories of Democracy" (in Citizenship Studies)
- Article "Dual Citizenship for Ethnic Minorities in Neighbouring Kin States" (in an EUI Working Paper)
- Presentation "Dual Citizenship and Political Participation" (presented at the EUI / EUDO Citizenship in Florence)
- Article "Conceptualizing and evaluating (new) forms of citizenship between nationalism and cosmopolitanism" (with Andrea Schlenker; in Democratization)
- Working Paper "Between Nationalism and Globalism" (with Andrea Schlenker)
The notion of Governance allows for a multi- and transdisciplinary conceptualization of political steering and integrations by bringing together a multiplicity of theories from diverse fields of the social sciences and from cultural studies. This permits for a wider understanding of politico-societal steering and integration. Core elements from economics, sociology, psychology as well as cultural and communication studies can be loosely connected trough a typology of forms of Governance. All ideal types are characterized by specific micro-foundations (theories of individual behaviour) and by the corresponding institutional structures and mechanisms.
Paradigms and real cases of political steering and integration are analysed and interpreted with the help of such typologies. Whereas the dissertation focused on forms of governance in European and North American border regions, the Habilitation work looks at changes in the underlying conceptions (paradigms) towards political steering and integration at US metropolitan regions from 1850 until 2000. The empirical analysis makes it clear that the latest paradigm shift is characterised by the change of a rational-instrumental to a reflexive-constitutive approach towards socio-political steering and integration.
- Article "Beyond Hierarchies and Networks" (in Governance)
- Article "Debordering the World of States" (in EJIR)
- Article "Governance als transdisziplinäres Brückenkonzept" (German)
- Flyer of the Habilitation "Governance"
- Presentation EUROLOC 2006: "Metropolitan Governance in the U.S."
Case studies play an important role in Political Science. In recent years, we have witnessed an unprecedented methodological reflection on this research approach. Together with colleagues, Joachim Blatter has contributed to the methodological discourse. In his own research and in text books, he has combined case studies with other qualitative methods, especially Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).
- Case Study Methods: Explanatory Approaches in Small-N Research. Palgrave (with Markus Haverland). Scheduled for June 2012; download flyer; order the book
- Qualitative Politikanalyse. Eine Einführung in Forschungsansätze und Methoden. Grundwissen Politik 44, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, (with F. Janning und C. Wagemann), 2007. download flyer
Contributions to the methodological discourse
- Conference Paper ECPR 2012, Antwerp: "Taking Terminology and Timing Seriously: On Ontological and Epistemological Foundations of Causal-Process Tracing"
- Conference Paper SPSA 2012, Lucerne: "Innovations in Case Study Methodology: Congruence Analysis and the Relevance of Crucial Cases"
- In search of co-variance, causal mechanisms or congruence? Towards a plural understanding of case studies. Swiss Political Science Review,14(2), 115-156 (with Till Blume), 2008; download
- Co-Variation and Causal Process Tracing Revisted: Clarifying New Directions for Causal Inference and Generalization in Case Study Methodology. Qualitative Methods - Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Reserach, 6(1), 29-34, 2008; download
- Frontiers of Methodological Progress in Qualitative Research. Special Issue of German Policy Studies, 7, 3, 2011 (co-edited with Fritz Sager)
- Introduction: Frontiers of Methodological Progress in Qualitative Research. German Policy Studies, 7, 3, 2011, 1-7 (with Fritz Sager); download
Major applications of case study and QCA methods
- Performing Symbolic Politics and International Environmental Regulation. Tracing and Theorizing a Causal Mechanism beyond Regime Theory. Global Envirnomental Politics, 9(4), 81-110, 2009; download
- Preconditions for Foreign Activities of European Regions. Publius - The Journal of Federalism (mit Matthias Kreuter, Michaela Rentl und Dan Thiele), 40 (1), 171-199, 2009; download
- Blatter, J., Langer, P., & Wagemann, C. (2017). Qualitative Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft: Eine Einführung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J., Langer, P., & Wagemann, C. (2015). Qualitative Methoden in der Politikwissenschaft: Studienbrief der FernUniversität Hagen. Hagen: FernUniversität Hagen.
- Blatter, J., & Haverland, M. (2014). Designing case studies: Explanatory Approaches in Small-N Research (Research methods series) (Leicht modifizierte Paperbackversion). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from;;;
- Blatter, J., & Haverland, M. (2012). Designing case studies (Research methods series) (1st ed.). Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from;;;
- Blatter, J. (2007). Governance – Theoretische Formen und historische Transformationen: Politische Steuerungs- und Integrationsformen in Metropolregionen der USA (1850-2000). Published Version of Habilitation. Baden-Baden: Nomos. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J. K., Janning, F., & Wagemann, C. (2007). Qualitative Politikanalyse: Eine Einführung in Methoden und Forschungsansätze (Grundwissen Politik) (Vol. 44). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Retrieved from;;
- Blatter, J., Janning, F., & Wagemann, C. (2006). Qualitative Politikanalyse: Eine Einführung in Methoden und Forschungsansätze. Hagen: FernUniversität Hagen. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J. (2000). Entgrenzung der Staatenwelt? Politische Institutionenbildung in grenzüberschreitenden Regionen in Europa und Nordamerika (Weltpolitik im 21. Jahrhundert) (Vol. 5). Baden-Baden: Nomos. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J. (1995). Möglichkeiten und Restriktionen für umweltorientierte Massnahmen im Personennahverkehr. zugl. verwaltungswissenschaftliche Diplomarbeit, Universität Konstanz, 1993. Freiburg i.Br.: EURES-Institut für regionale Studien in Europa. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J. (1994). Gewässer- und Auenschutz am Oberrhein. Analyse der grenzüberschreitenden Kooperationsprozesse. Freiburg i.Br.: EURES-Institut für regionale Studien in Europa. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J. (1994). Grenzüberschreitender Gewässerschutz am Bodensee. Analyse der internationalen Kooperationsprozesse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bootsproblematik. Freiburg i.Br.: EURES-Institut für regionale Studien in Europa. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J., & Scherer, R. (1994). Preconditions for Succesful Cross-border Cooperation on Environmental Issues. Explanations and Recommendations. Freiburg i.Br.: EURES-Institut für regionale Studien in Europa.
- Blatter, J., Scherer, R., & Hey, Ch. (1994). Preconditions for Successful Cross-border Cooperation on Environmental Issues. Historical, Theoretical and Analytical Starting Points. Freiburg i.Br.: EURES-Institut für regionale Studien in Europa. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J., Elie, M., & Samuel, S. (2022). Enfranchisement regimes beyond de-territorialization and post-nationalism: definitions, implications, and public support for different electorates. Democratization, 29 (7), 1208–1229.
- Blatter, J., Rausis, F., & Portmann, L. (2022). Theorizing Policy Diffusion: From a Patchy Set of Mechanisms to a Paradigmatic Typology. Journal of European Public Policy, 29 (6), 805–825.
- Blatter, J., & Schulz, J. (2022). Intergovernmentalism and the Crisis of Democracy: The Case for a Horizontal Expansion of Representative Democracies. European Journal of International Relations, 1–26.
- Michel, E., & Blatter, Joachim. (2021). Enfranchising immigrants and/or emigrants? Attitudes towards voting rights expansion among sedentary nationals in Europe. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
- Blatter, J., Schmid, S. D., & Blättler, A. (2017). Democratic Deficits in Europe: The Overlooked Exclusiveness of Nation-States and the Positive Role of the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 55 (3), 449–467.
- Huwyler, O., Tatham, M., & Blatter, J. (2017). Party Politics, Institutions, and Identity: The Dynamics of Regional Venue-Shopping in the EU. West European Politics, 41 (3), 754–778.
- Schlenker, A., Blatter, J., & Birka, I. (2017). Practising transnational citizenship: dual nationality and simultaneous political involvement among emigrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43 (3), 418–440.
- Blatter, J. (2017). Truth Seeking AND Sense Making: Towards Configurational Designs of Qualitative Methods. Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, 15 (2), 2–14.
- Blatter, J., Bombach, C., & Wiprächtiger, R. (2015). Enhancing gender equity through evidence-based policy-making? Theorizing and tracing the use of systematic knowledge in family and tax policy reforms. European Policy Analysis, 1 (1), 3–34.
- Blatter, J., & Schlenker, A. (2013). Conceptualizing and Evaluating (New) Forms of Citizenship between Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism. Democratization, 21 (6), 1091–1116.
- Blatter, J., & Haverland, M. (2013). Methodologies - Theories - Praxis. Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, 11 (1), 23–24. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J., & Haverland, M. (2013). Two Cultures and Beyond: A Plea for Three Approaches. Newsletter of the American Political Science Association Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research, 11 (1), 8–12. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J. (2013). Two distinct methods beyond the statistical method writ small? Contribution to a symposium on process tracing. European Political Science, 12, 10–12.
- Blatter, J. (2011). Dual citizenship and Theories of Democracy. Citizenship Studies, 15 (6/7), 769–798.
- Blatter, J., & Sager, F. (2011). Frontiers of Methodological Progress in Qualitative Research: Special Issue of German Policy Studies. German Policy Studies, 7 (3). Retrieved from
- Blatter, J., & Sager, F. (2011). Introduction: Frontiers of Methodological Progress in Qualitative Research. German Policy Studies, 7 (3), 1–7. Retrieved from
- Blatter, J. (2010). Horizontalföderalismus und Schweizer Demokratie. Swiss Political Science Review, 16 (2), 247–268.
- Blatter, J. (2009). Performing Symbolic Politics and International Environmental Regulation. Global Environmental Politics, 9 (4), 81–110.
- Blatter, J., Kreutzer, M., Rentl, M., & Thiele, J. (2009). Preconditions for Foreign Activities of European Regions. Tracing Causal Configurations of Economic, Cultural, and Political Strategies. Publius-The Journal of federalism, 40 (1), 171–199.
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- Reconciling Centres and Peripheries in Europe: Horizontal Integration and EU Enlargement. (Panel) contribution, ECSA Swiss Jahrestagung, ECSA Swiss, Zürich, 2024
- Beyond Liberalism: The diffusion of liberal and illiberal asylum policies. Lecture, Jahrestagung der Schweizer Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, SVPW, St. Gallen, 2024
- Why Additional National Citizenships are more Promising than the European Citizenship for Fostering Democracy and Integration. Lecture, “European Citizens Thirty Years On", University of Uppsala, Uppsala, 2022
- Including People or Integrating Polities? Theorizing and Tracing Causes and Consequences of Expanding Electorates. Lecture, GLOBALCIT Annual Conference, European University Institute, Florenz, 2022
- Tackling Technocratic Intergovernmentalism and Populist Nationalism Simultaneously: The Case for Expanding Representative Democracies Horizontally. (Panel) contribution, 27th International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, Online, 2021
- Comments on the Report "The Benefits and Drawbacks of Remote Voting: A New Vision" Discussion contribution, Workshop "Union Citizenship in Times of Covid-19 and Beyond", Academic Network on European Citizenship Rights, Brüssel (online), 2021
- The T-Dem Proposal of a Transnational Parliamentary Assembly - Praise and Alternatives. Discussion contribution, Conversation for the Future of Europe, European University Institute, Florenz (online), 2021
- Expanding National Demoi/Electorates in Europe: Accommodating Migration or Democratizing Integration? (Panel) contribution, nccr - on the move Research Day, nccr - on the move, University of Neuchâtel, 2020
- Voting beyond Nationality or Residency? Citizens’ Preferences for Voting Rights Regimes. (Panel) contribution, Swiss Political Science Association Annual Conference, SPSA, Lucerne, 2020
- Comments on Panel III: Beyond medical expertise in global health policy. Discussion contribution, Medical dominance in global health Professional authority, morality, and the politics of expertise, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Berlin, 2019
- Comments on «Democratic Education in a Globalized World» by Julian Culp. Discussion contribution, Symposium on "Democratic Education in a Globalized World" by Julian Culp, Universität St. Gallen, St. Gallen, 2019
- Let me vote in your country, and I’ll let you vote in mine. A proposal for transnational democracy. (Panel) contribution, Jahrestagung der DVPW, Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Frankfurt, 2018
- Transnationalizing Democracy Properly: Principles for Expanding Voting Rights and Partisan Representation in the Parliaments of Nation States. (Panel) contribution, International Conference of Europeanists, Council for European Studies, Chicago, 2018
- Transnationalizing Democracy Properly: Principles for Granting Con-Citizens Voting Rights and Partisan Representation in the Parliaments of Nation States. (Panel) contribution, Jahrestagung der SVPW, Schweizer Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Genf, 2018
- Mehrfachzugehörigkeiten in Zeiten transnationaler Migration. Lecture, Jahrestagung der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Migrationsfragen, Eidgenössische Kommission für Migrationsfragen, Bern, 2018
- Aligning Qualitative Methodologies to Epistemologies and Ontologies: Six Ideal-Types. (Panel) contribution, HKU-USC-IPPA Conference on Public Policy, International Public Policy Association, Hong Kong, 2017
- External citizens: Neither irresponsible nor long-distance nationalists, but representatives of transnationalism and cosmopolitanism. (Panel) contribution, ECPR General Conference, European Concortium for Political Research, Prag, 2017
- Aligning Methodology to Ontology and Epistemology: An Ideal-Typical Approach. (Panel) contribution, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, APSA, Philadelphia, 2017
- Vom Demokratiedefizit europäischer Nationalstaaten: Elektorale Exklusivität im Vergleich. Lecture, Aarauer Demokratietage: Politische Rechte für Ausländerinnen und Ausländer?, Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau, Aarau, 2017
- New Case Study Methods in Public Policy Analysis. Chair/panel-moderation, HKU-USC-IPPA Conference on Public Policy, International Public Policy Association, Hong Kong, 2017
- External citizens: Neither irresponsible nor long-distance nationalists, but representatives of transnationalism and cosmopolitanism. (Panel) contribution, IMISCOE Spring Conference, University of Copenhagen and International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe (IMISCOE) Network, Kopenhagen, 2017
- Configurational Methods. (Panel) contribution, ECPR Joint Sessions. Convener of 1-Week Workshop on “Configurational Methods.”, European Consortium for Political Research, Nottingham, 2017
- Transnationalizing Democracy Properly: Expanding Voting Rights and Partisan Representation in the Parliaments of Nation States beyond Residency and Nationality. (Panel) contribution, Annual Conference of the ECSASuisse, ECSA Suisse, Fribourg, 2017
- The Immigrant Inclusion Index (IMIX): A Tool for Assessing the Democratic Deficit with Respect to the Formal Political Inclusion of Alien Residents. Lecture, 3rd Research Conference on Immigration, Incorporation, and Democracy, University of Vienna, Vienna, 2013
- Between nationalism and globalism: Spaces and forms of democratic citizenship in and for a post-Westphalian world. Lecture, International Studies Association Annual Convention 2013, International Studies Association, San Francisco, 2013
- Horizontalföderalismus und Demokratie. Lecture, Klausurtagung des Luzerner Regierungsrates, Luzerner Regierungsrates, Luzern, 2010
- Demokratische Legitimität in der Mehrebenenpolitik. Lecture, 1. Aarauer Demokratietagen, Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau, Aarau, 2009
- The Logics of Humanitarian Intervention: Peace Entrepreneurs between Domestic Agenda-Setting and International Agreement. Lecture, “Millenium” - Annual Conference “Peace in International Relations”, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 2007
- Kingdon goes Transnational: Multiple Streams and Discourse Entrepreneurs in Peace Operations. Lecture, Sixth SGIR Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Standing Group on International Relations, Turin, 2007
- Recent Developments in Case Study Methodology. (Panel) contribution, ECPR General Conference, ECPR, Pisa, 2007
- Beyond the Co-variational Template: Alternatives in Case Study Methodology. Lecture, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, American Political Science Association, Chicago, 2007
- Herausforderungen der Demokratie. Discussion contribution, Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Was wiegt Demokratie", Museum Luzern, Luzern, 2024
- Wie kann die EU demokratischer und handlungsfähiger werden? Presentation, Jahrestreffen der Stipendiaten der Daimler-Benz Stiftung, Daimler-Benz Stiftung, Breslau, 2024
- Wählen mit 16? Schnupperseminar, Schnupperseminar des Politikwissenschaftlichen Seminars, Universität Luzern, 6006 Luzern, 2024
- Wie können wir die EU demokratischer und effektiver machen? Lecture, Bergakademie der Alumni-Vereinigung der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Bergakademie der Alumni-Vereinigung der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Saas-Almagell, 2022
- Expertise zum Arbeitskreis Politische Partizipation. Unterstützung durch Expertise, Jugendsession des Kantons Luzern, Jugendsession, 6006 Luzern, 2021
- Expanding National Demoi/Electorates in Europe: Accomodating Migration or Democratizing Integration? Presentation, nccr on the move Research Days, nccr on the Move, Neuchatel (Online), 2020
- Reshaping the Boundaries of National Electorates: empirical and normative support for de-territorialized, post-national, insular, and overlapping demoi. Presentation, GlobalCit Webinar, European University Institute, Florenz, Online, 2020
- Voting beyond Nationality or Residency? Citizens’ Preferences for Voting Rights Regimes. Presentation, Kolloquium des Politikwissenschaftlichens Seminars der Universität Luzern, Politikwissenschaftliches Seminar der Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2020
- Die Schweiz und ihre Doppelbürger*innen. Discussion contribution, Dual Citizenship: Political and Social Integration in an Era of Global Mobility, Östereichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2019
- Formen und Bedingungengrenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit. Lecture, Denkraum Bodensee, Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule IBH, Vaduz, 2019
- Liberal-democratic nation states and the governance of migration and mobility. Presentation, Core Corse: Concepts of Migration and Mobility, NCCR on the move, Neuenburg, 2019
- Transnationalizing Democracy Properly. Lecture, Kolloquium des Bereichs "Global Governance" am WZB, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB), Berlin, 2018
- Die Politische Inklusion der Immigranten in der Schweiz: Defizite und Handlungsmöglichkeiten. Kick-off speech, Die Politische Inklusion der Immigranten in der Schweiz: Defizite und Handlungsmöglichkeiten, Universität Luzern, Seminar für Politikwissenschaft in Kooperation mit der Schweizer Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (SVPW) und der Schweizer Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (SAGW), 2017
- Towards transnational voting in Europe. Lecture, Colloquium of the Global Governance Unit, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Berlin, 2017
- Governance – Theoretische Fundamente für ein transdisziplinäres Brückenkonzept. Lecture, Workshop am politikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Universität Hamburg, Politikwissenschaftlichen Institut der Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 2008
- Democracy in “Spaces of Place” and “Spaces of Flows” – A Conceptual Sketch. Presentation, What are the impacts of globalization and mediatization on democracy?, NCCR Democracy, Aarau, 2008
- Bürgerrecht in der Schweiz und in Europa. Citizenship for the 21st Century, Basel, 2021
- Intergovernmentalism and The Crisis of Democracy: The Case for a Horizontal Expansion of Representative Democracies. Political Science Research Seminar, St. Gallen, 2021
- Intergovernmentalism and The Crisis of Democracy: The Case for a Horizontal Expansion of Representative Democracies. Intergovernmentalism and The Crisis of Democracy: The Case for a Horizontal Expansion of Representative Democracies, Graz (online), 2021
- Aufklärung und konfiguratives Denken. Aufklärung und Alterität, Luzern, 2019
- “Let me vote in your country and I let you vote in mine.” A proposal for transnationalizing democracy. Kolloquium Politische Theorie, Genf, 2019
- Chancen und Risiken der Doppelbürgerschaft. Chancen und Risiken der Doppelbürgerschaft, Vaduz, 2019
- Chancen und Risiken der Doppelbürgerschaft. Chancen und Risiken der Doppelbürgerschaft, Bendern, 2018
- Die Politische Inklusion der Immigrierten in der Schweiz im Internationalen Vergleich. 15. Integrationstagung der Stiftung MINTEGRA: Integration heute und morgen, Buchs (SG), 2017
- Die Politische Inklusion der Immigrierten in der Schweiz im Internationalen Vergleich. Die Politische Mitbestimmung von Migranten, Basel, 2017
- Kritik der Schweizer Demokratie. 20 Jahre Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät an der Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2013
- Kritik der Schweizer Demokratie. Demokratie in der Krise, Luzern, 2013
- Debordering the World of States: European and North American Trajectories. Colloquy “Cross-border cooperation and International Relations”, Strasbourg, 2012
- Dual Citizenship and Theories of Democracy. Research Seminar of the School of Politics and International Relations, Canberra, 2011
- Inference and Generalization in Case Study Research: Beyond the Co-Variational Template. Departments of Sociology and Political Science, Tucson, 2009
- Democratic Deficits in Europe: The Overlooked Exclusivity of Nation-States and the Positive Role of the European Union. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 2017, 55, 3, 449–467, Journal of Common Market Studies, 2018
- Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS) 2017 Best Article Prize, University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES), 2018
- Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 2024
- Journal of European Public Policy, 2024
- Acta Politica, 2024
- Journal of Deliberative Democracy, 2024
- Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 2023
- PS - Political Science & Politics, 2023
- Journal of European Public Policy, 2023
- “Ambizione” Selection Committee of the Swiss National Science Foundation, 2022
- American Political Science Review, 2022
- Constellations, 2022
- European Journal of Political Research, 2022
- Journal of European Public Policy, 2022
- Swiss Journal of Sociology, 2022
- European Political Science Review, 2021
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2021
- European Political Science Review, 2021
- Journal of European Public Policy, 2021
- Violence: An International Journal, 2021
- Electoral Studies, 2021
- Political Studies Review, 2021
- European Political Science Review, 2019
- The Journal of Political Philosophy, 2019
- Democratization, 2019
- Comparative European Politics, 2019
- Citizenship Studies, 2019
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019
- Leviathan, 2019
- Journal of Common Market Studies, 2019
- Leviathan, 2018
- Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 2018
- American Political Science Review, 2018
- Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2018
- Complexity, Governance and Networks, 2018
- European Political Science Review, 2017
- European Journal of Political Research, 2017
- International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 2017
- Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 2017
- Political Research Quaterly, 2017
- Comparative Migration Studies, 2017
- American Political Science Review, 2017
- European Journal of Political Research, 2017
- London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 2023
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn, 2023
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn, 2022
- Technische Universität München, München, 2021
- Bilkent University, Ankara, 2021
- Regional and Federal Studies, 6006 Luzern, 2020
- Comparative European Politics, 6006 Luzern, 2020
- Journal of International Migration and Integration, 6006 Luzern, 2020
- European Politics and Society, 6006 Luzern, 2020
- Volkswagen Stiftung, Hanover, 2019
- Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 2019
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Bonn, 2019
- Schweizer Nationalfonds, Bern, 2019
- Eidgenössische Kommission für Migrationsfragen (EKM), Wabern, 2018
- Kommission für Migrationsfragen (EKM), Wabern, 2017
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaften, Member, Germany, 2024–
- Schweizer Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaften, Board member, Switzerland, 1993–
- American Political Science Association, Member, Switzerland, 2000–2020
- International Political Science Association, Member, Canada, 2000–2020