PD Dr. Federica Gregoratto
Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy with a focus on Practical Philosophy
T +41 41 229 55 94
federica.gregoratto @ unilu.ch
Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 3.A43
Consultation hour during the semester:
Mondays, 14:00 – 16:00 (only after pre-registration)
Publications and Public Philosophy PD Dr. Federica Gregoratto
Federica Gregoratto is Visiting Associate Professor of Philosophy with a focus on Practical Philosophy at the University of Lucerne since September 2024. From April 2023 to August 2024, she was guest professor of Social Philosophy and Anthropology at the Free University of Berlin. She studied philosophy at the Universities of Venice and Frankfurt am Main (M.A. 2008, Dr. phil. 2012).
From 2012 to 2013, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and from 2013 to 2015, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Excellence Cluster "The Formation of Normative Orders" at Goethe University Frankfurt. From 2015 to 2022, she was a research associate in the Department of Philosophy at the University of St. Gallen, where she completed her habilitation. From 2022 to 2023, she was a guest professor at the University of Konstanz, and in 2019, she was a visiting scholar at the New School for Social Research in New York.
Her research interests lie in the areas of Social Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, Critical Theory, Philosophy of Love and Emotions, Pragmatism, and Psychoanalysis. She has published articles in English, Italian, and German, some of which have been translated into French, Spanish, and Portuguese. She has written a book on Jürgen Habermas, edited a critical edition of a book by John Dewey, and co-edited collections of essays. Her latest book is titled Love Troubles: A Philosophy of Eros (New York, Columbia University Press, 2024).
Currently, she is working on two projects: the first is dedicated to a social-critical philosophy of psychic suffering, aiming in particular to understand depression as a form of "affective injustice"; the second examines potential German and English (early) Romantic contributions to contemporary debates on recognition theory.
She writes a column for the Italian online magazine Le Parole e Le Cose (“L’amore ai tempi del nineralismo”), where she discusses love relationships, sexuality, fiction, films, and politics. In general, she likes to contribute to "public philosophy", when possible.
Research interests:
- Philosophy of love and emotion
- Critical Theory (esp. Adorno, Marcuse)
- Theories of recognition
- Marx und Hegel
- German Early Romanticism (esp. Karoline von Günderrode, Friedrich Schlegel)
- Philosophy of Psychoanalysis, with a focus on philosophy of depression
- Feminist philosophy and intersectionality
- Pragmatism (esp. John Dewey, Jane Addams)
- Gregoratto, F. (2025). Against Fusion: Faces of Love and Recognition in Amy Allen, Melanie Klein and Kleist’s Penthesilea. Critical Horizons.
- Gregoratto, F., Ikäheimo, H., Renault, E., Särkelä, A., & Testa, I. (2024). Critical Naturalism: Replies to the Critics of the Manifesto. Krisis. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.21827/krisis.44.1.41311
- Gregoratto, F. (2023). Between Anger(s) and Radical Hope: Emotions in Progress. European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy. https://doi.org/10.4000/ejpap.3580
- Gregoratto, F. (2023). Romances of Nature: Hegelian and Romantic Impulses for Critical Theory. Verifiche.
- Gregoratto, F., Ikäheimo, H., Renault, E., Särkelä, A., & Testa, I. (2022). Critical Naturalism: A Manifesto. Krisis, Vol. 42 No. 1. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.21827/krisis.42.1.38637
- Gregoratto, F. (2021). Love and the (Wrong) World. Adorno and Illouz on a Complicated Relation. Journal of Social Philosophy, 52:1,. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/josp.12345
- Alloa, Emmanuel, Festl, Michael, Gregoratto, Federica, & Telios, Thomas (Eds.). (2019). Quertreiber des Denkens: Dieter Thomä: Werk und Wirken. Bielefeld: Transcript.
- Gregoratto, Federica (Ed.). (2017). John Dewey: Filosofia sociale e politica: Lezioni in Cina (1919-1920). Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
- Gregoratto, Federica, & Ranchio, Filippo (Eds.). (2014). Contesti del riconoscimento. Milano/udine: Mimesis.
- "Liebe" Discussion contribution, Standpunkte:Feministische Philosoph:innen im Gespräch. Federica Gregoratto und Cornelia Klinger über Liebe und Care, Institut für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin (Susanne Lettow, Esther Neuhann, Francesca Raimondi), Berlin, 2024
- "Depression as social critique" Key Note, Filosofia tra (auto)critica e trasformazione/Filosofía entre (auto)crítica y transformación, Università degli Studi di Padova (Giovanna Miolli), Padova, 2024
- "Homesick. Notes for a Critical Social Philosophy of Depression" Key Note, "Trasformazioni. Psicanalisi, lavoro, digitale, ecologia" (Seminario di Teoria Critica, XXXV. Incontro Annuale), Società Italiana di Teoria Critica, Università di Parma, Parma, 2024