Prof. em. Dr. Jon Mathieu

Foto Jon Mathieu

Titular professor of history with main focus on Modern Period    

Dr. phil.

T +41 41 229 55 41 
F +41 41 229 55 44



Jon Mathieu studied history and anthropology in Berne (Switzerland) where he wrote his doctoral dissertation and habilitation thesis on aspects of mountain history. He worked in research projects and taught in different universities in Switzerland, in Austria, and in South America. Jon Mathieu was the founding director of the "Istituto di Storia delle Alpi" at the Università della Svizzera italiana in Ticino and the founding editor of the journal "Histoire des Alpes". At present he is history professor at the University of Lucerne and lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. He has published widely on economic, social and cultural issues of the modern period. His research interests include: mountain history; family and kinship history; agrarian history. Jon Mathieu is the winner of a King Albert I. Mountain Award 2008.