

Science Studies in Lucerne combines empirical, theoretical, and historical approaches in the investigation of individual scientific projects, larger conceptual connections, and the creation of new research objects and practices. Sciences and humanities are conceived as historically mutable phenomena, which vary depending on their context and object of inquiry and whose knowledge products are to be understood according to their circumstances and conditions. Core research areas are the constitution of research objects, research practices, and the material circumstances of knowledge production in the life sciences and the humanities. Current research and selected publications may be found here  here.

The focus of teaching stresses the engagement with the fundamental theories and practices of scientific knowledge. Moreover, there is an emphasis on the role of scientific knowledge, both in political decision-making and in everyday life.  The following reading list intends to give a first impression into the theoretical positions and interests of science studies.   


Bild: H. Wieners und P. Treutleins Sammlungen mathematischer Modelle, Tafel 1, Leipzig/Berlin: Verlag B.G. Teubner, 1912.