Dr. Anne Beutter

Foto Anne Beutter

Post Doc Researcher and Lecturer

currently Guest Researcher at the Centre for Contemporary Religion, Aarhus University, Denmark

T +41 41 229 57 15

Frohburgstrasse 3, Room 3.B02


Anne Beutter is currently a Guest Researcher at the Centre for Contemporary Religion at Aarhus University in Denmark and since 2021 Post Doc Researcher and Lecturer at the Department for the Study of Religions at University of Lucerne.

She completed her BA in the Study of Religions and Sociology at University of Basel and her MA in the Study of Religion at University of Leipzig. In 2015 she was an academic assistant ad interim at the Sub-department of Science of Religion at University of Basel and from 2016 to 2020 the Academic Assistant at the Department for the Study of Religions at University of Lucerne.

In her PHD-Project defended in December 2020 she explores the interrelation of ‘religion’ and ‘the legal’ as an analytical framework. She asks how the legal structures of a religious organisation are embedded in a legally and religiously plural context. As a case of analysis she focuses on the legal practices of a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of the Gold Coast (today: Ghana) and their interaction with African and colonial legal structures. Published open access and with an english Summary as "Religion, Recht und Zugehörigkeit. Rechtspraktiken einer westafrikanischen Kirche und die Dynamik normativer Ordnungen" V&R, Göttingen, 2022.

In her current project she addresses representations of religious diversity in the study of religions, especially the trajectories and proliferation of a specific type of mappings of religious diversity. She uses these as a lens through which to reflect on  the recent history of Religionswissenschaft as a discipline.

Since 2021 she is one of the speakers of the Workingroup Africa of the DVRW and since 2016 part of the Research Network on Law and Religion, University of Basel.
From 2018-2022 she was the General Secretary of the Swiss Association for the Study of Religions and was a co-founder of the Netzwerk un-sichtbar, a network of audio guide projects on religion in urban space.