Non-professorial Research and Teaching Staff
Within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, two elected delegates represent the interests of non-professorial research and teaching staff, including those funded by external grants. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Ruth and Mathilde or with Antonia and Michael if you have any concerns or questions.

Ruth Amstutz, MA
PhD Candidate SNF-Sinergia Project of Prof. Marianne Sommer
T +41 41 229 56 14 • Room 3.A21 • ruth.amstutz @
Dr. Mathilde van Ditmars
Senior Teaching and Research Fellow (Prof. Trechsel)
T +41 41 229 55 88 • Room 3.A59 •

Antonia Steigerwald, MA
- Research Assistant
- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Room 3.A07 • antonia.steigerwald @

Dr. Michael Jucker
- Lecturer and project leader of the Portal Swiss Sports History
- PD Dr. phil.
- T +41 41 229 57 12 • Room 3.A13 • michael.jucker @
Funding opportunities for doctoral candidates and postdocs
- KSF Research Stipends: expenses for research activities (max. 3'000.- per application)
- Preliminary research for grant applications, e.g. SNSF (max. 3'000.- per application)
- Proofreading of foreign language texts (max. 1'000.- per application)
- Publication support (max. 1'000.- per application, only Open Access publications)
Detailed information is available here (in German only).
- Seed funding for preparing a PhD project application within the GSL (six-month starter grant, one call in spring and fall).
- Funds for conference attendance and shorter research stays.
- Funds for the organization of workshops and retreats.
- Due to the discontinuation of SNSF Doc.Mobility grants, PhD candidates can now submit applications for mobility grants for research stays abroad to the Graduate Academy. There are two submission deadlines per year (spring and fall).
- Research projects and subprojects (e.g. empirical data collection, searches) (between 1’000 to 30’000.- per application)
- Start-up funding for project proposals, which may be combined with bridge funding to cover the period until the decision of the third-party funding source. Only for doctoral students and postdocs in larger research projects (no individual career funding such as
- SpeedUp sabbaticals for senior teaching and research assistants as well as for assistant professors without tenure track: temporary reduction in teaching and administration workload. If an application is successful, the corresponding department receives CHF 25,000 for replacement staff.
- Proofreading of foreign language texts (max. 5'000.- per application)
- Publication funding (max. 5'000.- per application, only Open Access publications)
- Public outreach projects in various formats (max. 10,000 per application)
- Funds for the organization of scientific conferences (max. 15'000 per application)
- Funds for participation in conferences (no maximum amount mentioned)
- Funds for internal university retreats (max. 5,000 per application)
- Funds for the development and maintenance of international networks (max. 5'000.- per application)
Detailed information is available here (especially the FoKo Guideline Sheet).