Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Current cultural and sociological issues form the core of both research and study at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The faculty’s academic profile has an interdisciplinary orientation. As part of a young university, it offers innovative study programmes, personal support and scope for individual requirements – all important prerequisites for an intensive course of study.

Pulling up - Alumni in portrait

Our university is lively and unique, that is what we think! But why is that so? What can graduates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences tell us about their years of study? How did they live their student lives in Lucerne? And above all: How did they succeed in entering the job market? Find the answers to all these questions in our alumni-portraits.


The brochure “Durchstarten – 13 Alumni im Portrait” (Pulling up – 13 alumni in portrait) is available as a download (PDF).


University of Lucerne
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dean’s office
Frohburgstrasse 3, 3.A37
Postfach 4466
6002 Luzern

T +41 41 229 55 00

University of Lucerne location map