ICF StARS Online Course - Standardized Assessment and Reporting of Functioning Information
The course of the Swiss Paraplegic Research and the University of Lucerne provides the basics for understanding functioning and for the reporting of functioning information in a standardized manner by using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).
Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation within the framework of the National Research Programme 74 "Smarter Health Care", the course introduces the concept of functioning and its importance in the health system. Moreover, it gives an overview of Standardized Assessment and Reporting Systems for functioning information (StARS) based on the ICF. The course includes the introduction of a set of standards, tools and methods to assess and report information on functioning as well as the presentation of exemplary applications in practice and research
Target group: The course is aimed at interested people who work with functioning data (assessment and reporting), including healthcare professionals, researchers, students, quality managers and other professionals in the health system.
Course runs: | 2024 |
Mode: | Self-study with flexible attendance |
Workload: | 30 hours in total (equivalent to 1 ECTS) |
Language: | English |
Costs: | free |
Registration: To enroll, please use this link
Registration with the Swiss MOOC Service is required for course enrollment. Persons with Swiss university credentials can use this information to register. Individuals without Swiss university credentials must select the option "SWITCH edu-ID" in the registration process and register with this service first in order to be able to complete the registration with Swiss MOOC Service.

CAS in Rehabilitation Management
A insightful CAS Program in Rehabilitation Management, developed in collaboration with Suva, the Swiss Paraplegic Center and the Luzerner Kantonsspital.
This program immerses participants in the dynamic intersections of clinical practice, research, and rehabilitation-related insurance services, offering practical insights into the Swiss rehabilitation landscape.
Tailored for health professionals, quality management, case management or health insurance professionals and rehabilitation experts in the Swiss health system, the CAS modules are available in German.
Discover more about the program's opportunities for networking and partnership-building within the Swiss health and rehabilitation sector. For details, visit:

Future Events
LIFE Forum Rehabilitation 18. September 2025
[held in German]
Im Rahmen des LIFE Forums Rehabilitation wollen wir in den nächsten Jahren gemeinsam die zentralen Handlungsfelder zur Stärkung der Rehabilitation in der Schweiz aufgreifen und diskutieren.
Save the date: Das nächste LIFE Forum findet am 18. September 2025 statt
more information: LIFE Forum Rehabiliation - Universität Luzern

Past events
CRGHS-RESC online lecture series 2024
The second Edition of the Joint Online Lecture Series of the CRGHS & RESC ETH Zürich was held in September 2024:
Watch the recordings of the insightful sessions! This time, the lectures were held in German under the title:
"Stärkung der Rehabilitation in der Schweiz - Interprofessionelle Bildung als Treiber der digitalen und technologischen Transformation"
Innovative Bildungsformate im Fokus, 12. September 2024
Referent:innen: Jessica Gantenbein, Christian Schirlo
Watch the recording
Netzwerke an der Schnittstelle von Gesundheit und Digitalisierung, 19. September 2024
Referent:innen: Eveline S. Graf, Marion Huber, Jürgen Stremlow
Watch the recording
Politische und berufspolitische Perspektiven, 26. September 2024
Referent:innen: Cinzia Zeltner, Stefan Goetz
Watch the recording
LIFE Forum Rehabilitation February 15th 2024, University of Lucerne
[held in German]
Die WHO-Resolution "Stärkung von Rehabilitation in Gesundheitssystemen" Was bedeutet das für die Schweiz?
On May 27, 2023, WHO member states unanimously adopted a resolution to "Strengthen Rehabilitation in Health Systems." As part of the Lucerne Initiative for Functioning, Health and Wellbeing (LIFE), the first national LIFE Forum on Rehabilitation wass held on February 15, 2024. The event adressed the question of what the WHO resolution means for Switzerland and is aimed at an interdisciplinary audience from practice, research, education and politics. After two introductory keynotes, flash talks highlighted the current challenges in the Swiss rehabilitation landscape and the expectations of the resolution from the perspective of service providers, quality development and education. In a concluding panel discussion, health policy makers commented on the concrete steps that are indicated for the implementation of the resolution in Switzerland.
More information and presentation slides: LIFE Forum Rehabilitation 15.02.2024 - University of Lucerne (
Joint Online Lecture Series RESC & CRGHS: Strengthening Rehabilitation in Switzerland - Research and Aspects of Implementation, November and December 2023
- Addressing the Shortage of Rehabilitation Professionals in Switzerland – Status Quo and Solutions, November 9th 2023
With Prof. Dr. Sabine Hahn, Department Manager Nursing, School of Health Professions, Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) and Diana Sigrist-Nix, EMBA MSc, Head of Medical Services, Responsible for Clinical Systems, Member of the Management Board, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil
Watch the recording - WHO’s Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation – Implications for Switzerland, November 16th 2023
With Dr. Alexandra Rauch, Sensory functions, Disability and Rehabilitation Unit, Department for Noncommunicable Diseases, Geneva, World Health Organization and Prof. Dr. med. Peter Sandor, Vice President of Medical Affairs at SW!SS REHA (a.i.), Medical Director of ZURZACH Care
Watch the recording - Innovative Technologies for Strengthening Rehabilitation Services, November 23rd 2023
With Prof. Dr. Carlo Menon, Head of the Biomedical and Mobile Health Technology Lab, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich and Dr. Florian Haufe, Founder and CEO, Akina
Watch the recording - Rehabilitation within Swiss Health Information Systems, November 30th 2023
With Asst. Prof. Dr. Carla Sabariego, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Healthy Ageing, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Lucerne, Dr. Sarah Brüningk, Postdoctoral Fellow and Group Leader, Biomedical Data Science Lab, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zurich and Dr. Stephan Tobler, Head of Rehabilitation, ANQ Swiss National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics
Watch the recording - Financing Rehabilitation in Switzerland – Investment Case and Mechanisms, December 7th 2023
With Asst. Prof. Dr. Diana Pacheco Barzallo, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Healthy Ageing, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Lucerne, Asst. Prof. David Weisstanner, Assistant Professor for Health and Social Policy, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, University of Lucerne and Samuel Noll, Head of TARPSY and ST Reha, Swiss DRG AG
Watch the recording

Current projects
Survey on Implementing the WHO Resolution on Rehabilitation in Switzerland: Relevance, Opportunities and Challenges (Nov 2023 - Feb 2024)
We seeked views from Swiss rehabilitation stakeholders on strengthening rehabilitation in Switzerland by conducting an online survey to explore the perceived relevance of the implementation of the WHO Resolution for Strenghetning Rehabilitation in Health Systems in Switzerland, as well as the opportunities and challenges faced in this regard.
Thank you for your support with the survey. The survey is closed as of February 18th, 2024, and is currently in its analysis and publication phase. More updates will follow soon

Online Survey on Healthy Ageing and Rehabilitation
This international stakeholder consultation, led by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems and guided by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, addresses challenges outlined in the United Nations and WHO Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030). Complementing existing literature, the survey seeks insights from Swiss rehabilitation stakeholders on implementing the WHO Resolution for Strengthening Rehabilitation in Health Systems. Your participation and sharing within your network are appreciated. The survey, available in German, French, Italian, and English, takes approximately 15 minutes. Your input, considering your regional context, enhances evidence for rehabilitation in the 60+ population.
The survey closed in December 2023 with an impressive 3000+ responses. Currently in the analysis phase, we eagerly anticipate sharing detailed results in due time.