Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Scheinemann

Katrin Scheinemann

Titular Professor of clinical-medical sciences


Katrin Scheinemann finished her medical school 1999 in Würzburg, Germany, and her pediatric residency 2005 in Switzerland. From 2006 to 2008, she completed a fellowship in pediatric hematology, oncology and neurooncology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada, and was immediately appointed as Assistant Professor thereafter at the McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. In 2013 she was promoted to Associate Professor and still has an academic appointment there following her return back to Switzerland. After positions as a staff physician in pediatric hematology and oncology in Lucerne and Basel she was appointed as Division head in pediatric hematology and oncology at the Kantonsspital Aarau in 2017. On a national level she is the current president of the Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group (SPOG) and the vice president of the Swiss Society of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (SSPHO). Internationally she is the chair of PanCare (Pan-European network for care of suvivors after childhood and adolescent cancer) since 2021 and Board member of SIOPE (European Society for Paediatric Oncology). Her research is focused on survivorship and long-term follow up care in pediatric oncology, she is the head of the LACC (Life after childhood cancer) research group. She has published over 65 peer reviewed manuscript and edited two textbooks. Her research is well funded through multiple public and private foundation grants.