Prof. Dr. med. Florim Cuculi

Florim Cuculi

Titular Professor of clinical-medical sciences


Florim Cuculi graduated in the University of Basel in 2004 and did his training in Internal Medicine in Lucerne and the cardiology training in Lucerne and Berne.
In 2009 he did a combined research and interventional fellowship in the University of Oxford Hospitals contributed significantly building up the Oxford Acute Myocardial Infarction (OXAMI) registry. In 2012 Florim Cuculi came back to Lucerne to start working as interventional cardiologist at Luzerner Kantonsspital and in 2016 he was awarded with the Venia Docendi by the University of Basel. Since 2018 he is the Co-Chief of Cardiology at Heart Centre Lucerne and since 2019 the director of Cardio Center Luzern. His research interests are in coronary disease, specifically lesion preparation in highly calcified lesions, the use of drug eluting balloons and intravascular imaging.