Salome Christen MA

Foto Salome Christen

Research Assistant (Prof. Dr. Gisela Michel)

T +41 41 229 59 15 • Alpenquai 4, Room 6 •

Projects of the Health and Social Behaviour Team


Salome Christen holds a BSc in Physiotherapy from the ZHAW, the Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften, and a MA in Health Sciences from the University of Lucerne. From 2011-2013, she worked as a physiotherapist in a private practice and a cantonal hospital, and completed a specialization in Sports Physiotherapy. For her master thesis, she investigated preferences of adolescent and young adult cancer survivors for long-term follow-up. After graduating, she has been working in the team of Prof. Dr. Gisela Michel developing clinical practice guidelines for the surveillance of mental health problems, psycho-social issues and cancer-related fatigue in survivors of childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors.

Salome started her PhD at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine of the University of Lucerne in September 2021. For her PhD, she is investigating musculoskeletal late effects, cancer-related fatigue, and their associations with physical functioning and physiotherapy utilization in survivors of childhood cancer.