Nadja Mühlebach MSc
Research Assistant (Prof. Gisela Michel)
T +41 41 229 59 66 • Alpenquai 4, Room 6 • nadja.muehlebach @
Nadja Mühlebach holds a BA in Translation/Applied Languages from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and a BSc in Psychology from the University of Basel. She completed her Master’s degree in Psychology with a specialization in Clinical Psychology and Neurosciences at the University of Basel.
During her studies, she gained experience by working in various research projects at the University of Basel, the University of Teacher Education Lucerne (PH Luzern), and the University Hospital Zurich and did a clinical internship in a psychiatric day hospital as well as a forensic internship at the Jugendheim Aarburg.
Nadja has been working part-time as a research assistant in Prof. Dr. Gisela Michel’s GROkids project since March 2021. She wrote her Master’s thesis on grandparental support for childhood cancer patients and their families.