Andrea Aegerter, PhD
Postdoc (Prof. Claudio Perret)
T +41 41 229 57 39 • Alpenquai 4, Room 6 • andrea.aegerter @
Dr. sc. med. Andrea Aegerter is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lucerne, specializing in the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and pain. Her current and past research has focused on enhancing the physical and mental well-being of office workers, with a particular emphasis on neck and back pain, physical activity, and work-related stress conditions.
Dr. Andrea Aegerter obtained her PhD from the University of Zurich after completing her MSc and BSc in Physiotherapy at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Currently at the University of Lucerne, she holds the operational lead and strategical co-lead position in a project focusing on personalized exercise medicine in low back pain. Before this role, she worked on a project at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, which investigated the effects of interventions on work productivity and neck pain in office worker. She also contributed to a follow-up project at the University of Bern, where workplace interventions were delivered in an online setting.
Dr. Andrea Aegerter has recently given oral presentations at the European Public Health Conference, the Eurospine Congress, and the International Conference of Work and Health. A full track record can be found at her ORCID profile. Beyond her research commitments, she is a teaching fellow, and practices as a physiotherapist.
- Brunner, B., Aegerter, A. M., Johnston, V., Volken, T., Deforth, M., Sjøgaard, G., … Zweig, T. (2025). Cost-utility and cost–benefit analysis of a multi-component intervention (NEXpro) for neck-related symptoms in Swiss office workers. BMC Public Health, 1, 160 ff.
- Oña, A., Forsido, R. T., Bychkovska, O., Aegerter, A., Guerra, G., Bizuneh, Y. A., & Mussie, K. M. (2024). Occupational injuries and their sociodemographic, workplace, and behavioral determinants among large-scale factory workers in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study: Cad Saude Publica. Cad Saude Publica, 40 (8).
- Ernst, M. J., Sax, N., Meichtry, A., Aegerter, A. M., Luomajoki, H., Luedtke, K., … Falla, D. (2023). Cervical musculoskeletal impairments and pressure pain sensitivity in office workers with headache. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 102816.
- Aegerter, A., Deforth, M., Volken, T., Johnston, V., Luomajoki, H., Dressel, H., … Elfering, A. (2022). A multi-component Intervention (NEXpro) reduces neck pain-related work productivity loss : a randomized controlled trial among Swiss office workers. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 2, 288–300.
- Ernst, M. J., Klaus, S., Lüdtke, K., Gallina, A., Falla, D., Aegerter, A. M., … Zweig, T. (2022). Inter-rater reliability, discriminatory and predictive validity of neck movement control tests in office workers with headache and/or neck pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 102685.
- Aegerter, A., & Luomajoki, H. (2021). Kollision mit Folgen : Fallbeispiel Schleudertrauma. physiopraxis, 4, 24–29.
- Aegerter, A. M., Deforth, M., Sjøgaard, G., Johnston, V., Volken, T., Luomajoki, H., … Elfering, A. (2021). No evidence for a decrease in physical activity among Swiss office workers during COVID-19 : a longitudinal study. Frontiers in Psychology, 620307, 332 ff.
- Aegerter, A., Deforth, M., Johnston, V., Sjøgaard, G., Luomajoki, H., Volken, T., … Elfering, A. (2021). No evidence for an effect of the first COVID-19 lockdown on work stress conditions in office workers. Eur J Public Health.
- Aegerter, A., Deforth, M., Johnston, V., Sjøgaard, G., Volken, T., Luomajoki, H., … Melloh, M. (2021). No evidence for an effect of working from home on neck pain and neck disability among Swiss office workers : short-term impact of COVID-19. European Spine Journal, 6, 1699–1707.
- Aegerter, A., Latif, S., Weishaupt, M., Gubler, B., Rast, F., Klose, A., … Bauer, C. (2020). An investigation into the association of the physical fitness of equestrians and their riding performance : a cross-sectional study. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 2, 137–145.
- Aegerter, A., Deforth, M., Johnston, V., Ernst, M., Volken, T., Luomajoki, H., … Melloh, M. (2020). Correction to: On-site multi-component intervention to improve productivity and reduce the economic and personal burden of neck pain in Swiss office-workers (NEXpro) : protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 488.
- Aegerter, A., Deforth, M., Johnston, V., Ernst, M., Volken, T., Luomajoki, H., … Melloh, M. (2020). On-site multi-component intervention to improve productivity and reduce the economic and personal burden of neck pain in Swiss office-workers (NEXpro) : protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 391.
- Aegerter, A. (2020). Physiotherapeuten haben Defizite beim Erkennen von psychologischen Faktoren. Der Schmerzpatient, 1, 6–7.
- Luomajoki, H., & Aegerter, A. (2020). „Wait-and-see“ bei WAD? Der Schmerzpatient, 3, 137–143. Retrieved from
- Aegerter, A. M., & Luomajoki, H. (2018). Neurogenes Thoracic Outlet Syndrom. pt Zeitschrift für Physiotherapeuten, 7, 62–71. Retrieved from
- Aegerter, A. M., & Kool, J. (2016). Schmerzmessung durch Selbstbeurteilung bei älteren Menschen mit kognitiver Beeinträchtigung. Tumordiagnostik & Therapie, 9, 516–519.
- Aegerter, A. M., & Kool, J. (2016). Schmerzmessung durch Selbstbeurteilung bei älteren Menschen mit kognitiver Beeinträchtigung. Physioscience, 1, 26–29.
- Matthew Kerry, Andrea Aegerter, Achim Elfering, & Markus Melloh (Eds.). (2024). Stepped Wedge Design Analyses under Pandemic`s Period Effect: Alternative Approach using Non-specific Neck Pain Intervention Data. In Healthcare and Medical Devices: Healthcare and Medical Devices, AHFE Open Access. New York: AHFE Open Access.
- Aegerter, A. M., Schneider, C., Melloh, M., & Elfering, A. (2024). WeMoveVirtual: Results from a Brief Virtual Movement Intervention for Musculoskeletal Pain and Well-being in Knowledge Workers. In Andrea Martina Aegerter, Corina Schneider, Markus Melloh & Achim Elfering (Eds.), Human Factors and Wearable Technologies: Human Factors and Wearable Technologies, AHFE Open Access. New York: AHFE Open Access.
- BYE-BYE NACKENSCHMERZEN. (2025). cogito.
- Bye-Bye Handy-Nacken! (9 September 2024). Glückspost.
- Aegerter, A., & Reinhard, F. (13 March 2024). Nackenschmerzen ade! Physioactive, 2023, 32–34. Retrieved from
- Aegerter, A. (13 February 2024). An der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit gefällt mir die Abwechslung. ZHAW News.
- Aegerter, A. (13 February 2024). Rückenschmerzen – Oft sind es die Muskeln. SRF 1, Puls.
- Aegerter, A. (13 January 2024). Homeoffice – Auf Inspektion mit der Ergonomie-Expertin. SRF 1, Sendung Puls.
- Aegerter, A. (13 January 2024). Seit dieser Woche wieder im Büro? Dann aufgepasst: So verhindern Sie Nackenschmerzen im neuen Jahr. CH Media (20 verschiedene Zeitungen, u.a. St. Galler Tagblatt).
- Aegerter, A. (13 January 2024). So gibts keinen Handy-Daumen. Migros-Magazin.
- Aegerter, A. (2023). ChatGPT. Vitamin G.
- Aegerter, A. (2023). Multitasking ist immer eine Entscheidung. Coop-Zeitung.
- Aegerter, A. (2023). Nackenschmerzen ade. wahzup.
- Aegerter, A. (2023). Ufsteller: Nackenschmerzen. Radio24.
- Aegerter, A. (2022). Bye-bye Nackenschmerzen! Vitamin G.
- Aegerter, A. (2022). Der Rücken braucht keine teuren Spezialstühle. Saldo.
- Aegerter, A. (2021). Fit @ Home trotz Corona. SRF 1, Sendung Puls.
- Aegerter, A. (2020). Überprüfen Sie mal wieder ihr Homeoffice. SRF 1, Sendung Ratgeber.
- Aegerter, A. (2019). Wenn der Schmerz im Nacken sitzt. TagesAnzeiger, Berner Zeitung, Basler Zeitung, Der Bund, Der Landbote, Schweizer Familie etc.
- Siebeneicher, R., Holzer, T., Melloh, M., Elfering, A., & Aegerter, A. (6 July 2024). Evaluation of a multi-component intervention (NEXpro) to reduce neck pain and improve work productivity in office workers. Presented at the IFOMPT, Basel.
- Schönbeck, J., Hess, T., Sommer, B., & Aegerter, A. (6 July 2024). High Burden of Back Pain among Equestrians and the Role of Flexibility: Insights from a Cross-Sectional Study. Presented at the IFOMPT, Basel.
- Aegerter, A. (5 July 2024). A Multi-component Intervention (NEXpro) Reduces Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Swiss Office Workers. Presented at the IFOMPT, Basel.
- Association of exercise frequency and type with neck pain intensity : a quantitative analysis in office workers. (30 August 2023). Presented at the 18th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care.
- Association of neck pain, neck disability, and fear avoidance beliefs with adherence to exercise : a quantitative analysis in office workers. (30 August 2023). Presented at the 18th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care.
- Nonspecific neck pain and physical factors of the neck : a quantitative analysis in office workers. (30 August 2023). Presented at the 18th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care.
- Moral judgement of triage decisions : individual vs. collective framing moderates age discrimination. (9 August 2023). Presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science.
- No evidence for an effect of the first COVID-19 lockdown on neck pain and neck disability among Swiss office workers. (6 October 2021). Presented at the Eurospine Congress. Retrieved from
- Nackenschmerzen (NEXpro-Projekt). (15 September 2021). Presented at the Digital Health Lab Day.
- The association of riders’ physical fitness with riding performance. (15 November 2018). Presented at the 1st Swiss Sportfisio & Sports Med Conference.
- Aegerter, A. (2023). Nackenschmerzen bei Büroangestellten. Retrieved from
- Aegerter, A. (2023). Prevention and Intervention of Neck Pain in Swiss Office Workers (NEXpro). Retrieved from
- Stepped wedge design analyses under pandemic`s period effect: Alternative approach using non-specific neck pain intervention data. (Panel) contribution, 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), AHFE, Nizza, 2024
- The association of riders’ physical fitness with riding performance. Poster, 1st Swiss Sportfisio & Sports Med Conference, Sportfisio, Bern, 2018
- Non-specific low back pain: A protocol for a personalized back training program to improve functioning and reduce pain. (Panel) contribution, Forschungssymposium Gesundheit Luzern 2024, Universität Luzern, Luzern, 2024
- WeMoveVirtual: Results from a Brief Virtual Movement Intervention for Musculoskeletal Pain and Well-being in Knowledge Workers. (Panel) contribution, 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE), AHFE, Nizza, 2024
- A Multi-component Intervention (NEXpro) Reduces Neck Pain-related Work Productivity Loss: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Swiss Office Workers. (Panel) contribution, IFOMPT, IFOMPT, Basel, 2024
- Cervical musculoskeletal impairments and pressure pain sensitivity in office workers with headache. (Panel) contribution, IFOMPT, IFOMPT, Basel, 2024
- Moral judgement of triage decisions : individual vs. collective framing moderates age discrimination. Poster, International Convention of Psychological Science, International Convention of Psychological Science, Brussels, 2023
- Eine Intervention zur Reduktion von Arbeitsproduktivitätsverlusten aufgrund von Nackenschmerzen bei Schweizer Büroangestellten (NEXpro). (Panel) contribution, Public Health 3 Ländertagung, Public Health 3, Lindau, 2023
- Nonspecific neck pain and physical factors of the neck : a quantitative analysis in office workers. Poster, 18th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care, International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care, Groningen, 2023
- Association of neck pain, neck disability, and fear avoidance beliefs with adherence to exercise : a quantitative analysis in office workers. Poster, 18th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care, International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care, Groningen, 2023
- Association of exercise frequency and type with neck pain intensity : a quantitative analysis in office workers. Poster, 18th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care, International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care, Groningen, 2023
- A Multi-Component Intervention (NEXpro) Reduces Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial Among Swiss Office Workers. (Panel) contribution, International Scientific Conference on the Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (PREMUS), PREMUS, Bengaluru, 2023
- A multi-component intervention (NEXpro) reduces neck pain-related work produc-tivity loss: A randomized controlled trial among Swiss office workers. (Panel) contribution, 7. Internationale Konferenz «Arbeit und Gesundheit», FHNW, Olten, 2022
- Does the home office workstation meet recommended guidelines in a sample of Swiss office workers? (Panel) contribution, 7. Internationale Konferenz «Arbeit und Gesundheit», FHNW, Olten, 2022
- No evidence for an effect of the first COVID-19 lockdown on neck pain and neck disability among Swiss office workers. Poster, Eurospine Congress, Eurospine, Wien, 2021
- No evidence for an effect of the first COVID-19 lockdown on neck pain and neck disability among Swiss office workers. (Panel) contribution, Eurospine Congress, Eurospine, Wien, 2021
- No evidence for an effect of the first COVID-19 lockdown on work stress conditions in office workers. (Panel) contribution, European Public Health Conference, European Public Health Conference, Virtuell, 2021
- Equinus Health – Denkanstösse für Pferd und Reiter. Lecture, 3. Symposium Hippotherapie, ZHAW Gesundheit, Winterthur, 2023
- Die Promotionsarbeit loslassen. Presentation, Empowerment für die Promotion in den Therapiewissenschaften, Verein zur Förderung der Wissenschaft in den Gesundheitsberufen, Online, 2023
- Nackenschmerzen bei Büroangestellten. ScienceFlashTalk, SSPH+ Faculty Meeting, SSPH+, Zürich, 2022
- 19th International Forum for Back and Neck Pain Research in Primary Care (IBNP Forum 2025), Mitglied wissenschaftliches Komitee, Member of organisation committee, Davos, 2025
- Physioswiss-Kongress 2025, Member of organisation committee, Schweiz, 2025
- NEXpro Projektabschluss-Event : Meilensteine, Lessons learned und Projektausblick, Event chair, Winterthur, 2023
- Swiss Pain Society (SPS), Member, Switzerland, 2024–
- European Pain Federation (EFIC), Member, Switzerland, 2023–
- International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), Member, Switzerland, 2023–
- Schweizerischer Physiotherapie Verband Physioswiss, Member, Switzerland, 2022–
- Sport & Exercise Medicine Switzerland SEMS, Member, Switzerland, 2019–
- Swiss Association of Orthopaedic Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy SVOMP, Member, Switzerland, 2018–