Andrea Aegerter, PhD

Foto Andrea Aegerter

Postdoc (Prof. Claudio Perret)
T +41 41 229 57 39 • Alpenquai 4, Room 6 •



Dr. sc. med. Andrea Aegerter is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lucerne, specializing in the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and pain. Her current and past research has focused on enhancing the physical and mental well-being of office workers, with a particular emphasis on neck and back pain, physical activity, and work-related stress conditions.
Dr. Andrea Aegerter obtained her PhD from the University of Zurich after completing her MSc and BSc in Physiotherapy at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. Currently at the University of Lucerne, she holds the operational lead and strategical co-lead position in a project focusing on personalized exercise medicine in low back pain. Before this role, she worked on a project at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, which investigated the effects of interventions on work productivity and neck pain in office worker. She also contributed to a follow-up project at the University of Bern, where workplace interventions were delivered in an online setting.
Dr. Andrea Aegerter has recently given oral presentations at the European Public Health Conference, the Eurospine Congress, and the International Conference of Work and Health. A full track record can be found at her ORCID profile. Beyond her research commitments, she is a teaching fellow, and practices as a physiotherapist.