Lukas Kauer, PhD
Lukas Kauer, PhD
Lecturer and Research Officer in Health Impact Assessment
T +41 41 229 59 21 • Alpenquai 4, Room 7 • lukas.kauer @
Lukas studied economics at the University of Zurich with an exchange semester at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He completed his studies in 2007 with a licentiate. He then worked at the Winterthur Institute of Health Economics (WIG) of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (zhaw) until the end of 2009. From 2010-2014, he completed his PhD at the University of St. Gallen in the PhD Program for Economics and Finance. At the same time, he worked there at the Center for Disability and Integration as a research assistant. From 2014 to 2023, he was a research associate at the CSS Institute for Empirical Health Economics. In 2018-2019, he spent a research semester at the Department for Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School in Boston. In May 2023, Lukas joined the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine at the University of Lucerne as a full-time senior lecturer and researcher.
His teaching experience spans several universities, colleges and continuing education providers. Starting from 2012-2017 as a lecturer at the University of St. Gallen, he held tutorials on macroeconomics and microeconomics and supervised the academic term paper that students had to write in the assessment year. In 2017, he started teaching in the annual CAS Health Economics at zhaw on the topic of insurance economics. One year later, he took over the lecture "Social Health Insurance" in the Bachelor's program at the University of Zurich. Another year later, he started to give various lectures in the Master's program of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Lucerne. The Bern University of Applied Sciences also hired him as a lecturer in 2019 for the annual CAS Health Economics and Public Health. On two days per year, he teaches on the topic of insurance economics and international health systems. In 2023, he also taught in the CAS Health Insurance Law at the Centre for Civil Liability, Private and Social Insurance Laws (LIPS). In continuing education, Lukas lectures at CSS Insurance, SUVA and the Insurance Industry Vocational Training Association (vbv).
Furthermore, Lukas was a member of the Appraisal Panel of the Medical Tariff Commission (MTK) UVG from 2015-2023 as a representative of the Swiss Insurance Association (SVV). He sat on this panel as an expert in health economics for inquiries regarding the coverage of contested services.
Methodologically, the principal focus is on quantitative causal analysis. Thematically, Lukas mainly studies the health insurance market, from the viewpoint of insurers, health care providers, and consumers.
As a member of the Risk Adjustment Network and during his research stay with Thomas McGuire at Harvard Medical School, one stream of research focuses on risk adjustment between insurers. How to design an efficient payment system, so that insurers covering high risks in a market with community-rated premiums are fairly compensated, without limiting the incentive for efficient care as well as increasing the possibilities for gaming? Should insurers' administrative costs also be included in risk equalization, and if so, how?
Managed care is an interesting approach to reducing rising healthcare costs. The consumer gives up his or her free choice of physician and joins a gatekeeper who, as part of a network, takes over the care and management of the patient. Often, the financial incentives for gatekeepers are also changed. In his study, Lukas was able to show that the savings in these models are sustainable over the long term and presumably come from the treating physician being able to discourage patients from making unnecessary visits to a doctor.
Vaccination is another field of research. Can the demand for the flu vaccination be sustainably increased by a letter informing customers on its new availability at the pharmacy? How did the Covid 19 vaccination progress in German-speaking countries particularly from a procedural point of view?
In his dissertation, Lukas studied the integration of people with a disability into the labor market and into education. He was able to show that mentally ill people in particular are discriminated against when applying for an apprenticeship or a place at a university. However, subsidies for the employment of apprenticeship graduates with disabilities are hardly helpful. On the other hand, recipients of disability benefits and their spouses hardly react to reductions in their benefits.
During his time at the ZHAW, Lukas wrote several reports on cost-benefit analyses of prevention and workplace health promotion.
- Kauer, L., & Schmid, C. P. R. (2025). KEEP REMINDING ME TO GET MY FLU SHOT. American Journal of Health Economics.
- Douven, R., & Kauer, L. (2023). Falling ill raises the health insurer’s administration bill. Social Science and Medicine, 324, 115856 ff.
- Finding the way forward: COVID-19 vaccination progress in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. (2022). Health Policy and Technology, 11, 100584 ff.
- Douven, R., Kauer, L., Demme, S., Paolucci, F., van de Ven, W., Wasem, J., & Zhao, X. (2022). Should administrative costs in health insurance be included in the risk-equalization? An analysis of five countries. European Journal of Health Economics, 23, 1437–1453.
- Desson, Z., Lambertz, L., Peters, J. W., Falkenbach, M., & Kauer, L. (2020). Europe`s Covid-19 outliers: German, Austrian and Swiss policy responses during the early stages of the 2020 pandemic. Health Policy and Technology, 9, 405–418.
- Beck, K., Kauer, L., McGuire, T. G., & Schmid, C. P. R. (2020). Improving risk-equalization in Switzerland: Effects of alternative reform proposals on reallocating public subsidies for hospitals. Health Policy, 124, 1363–1367.
- Kauer, L., McGuire, T., & Beck, K. (2019). Extreme under- and overcompensation in morbidity-based health plan payments: The case of Switzerland. Health Policy, 124 (1), 61–68.
- Deuchert, E., Kauer, L., Liebert, H., & Wuppermann, C. (2017). Disability discrimination in higher education: analyzing the quality of counseling services. Education Economics, 25 (6), 543–553.
- Deuchert, E., & Kauer, L. (2017). Hiring subsidies for people with a disability: Evidence from a small-scale social field experiment. International Labour Review, 156 (2), 269–285.
- Kauer, L. (2017). Long-term Effects of Managed Care. Health Economics, 26 (10), 1210–1223.
- Deuchert, E., & Kauer, Lukas. (2017). Subsidios a la contratación de personas con discapacidades. Resultados de un pequeño experimento de campo,. Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 136.
- Deuchert, E., & Kauer, L. (2017). Subventions à l`embauche et handicap: les enseignements d`une expérience à petite échelle,. Revue internationale du Travail, 156.
- Deuchert, E., Kauer, L., & Meisen Zannol, F. (2013). Would you train me with my mental illness? Evidence from a discrete choice experiment. The journal of mental health policy and economics, 16, 67–80.
- Kauer, L. (2020). Art. 23 Statistiken. In Blechta, Gabor P., Colatrella, Philomena, Rüedi, Hubert & Staffelbach, Daniel (Eds.), Basler Kommentar Krankenversicherungsgesetz Krankenversicherungsaufsichtsgesetz. Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag.
- Kauer, L. (2020). Art. 61 Grundsätze Prämien der Versicherten. In Blechta, Gabor P., Colatrella, Philomena, Rüedi, Hubert & Staffelbach, Daniel (Eds.), Basler Kommentar Krankenversicherungsgesetz Krankenversicherungsaufsichtsgesetz. Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag.
- Kauer, L., & Beck, K. (2020). Art. 61a Prämienerhebung für Versicherte mit Wohnort in einem Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union, in Island oder in Norwegen. In Blechta, Gabor P., Colatrella, Philomena, Rüedi, Hubert & Staffelbach, Daniel (Eds.), Basler Kommentar Krankenversicherungsgesetz Krankenversicherungsaufsichtsgesetz. Basel: Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag.
- Beck, K., & Kauer, L. (2019). Die Wirtschaftlichkeit ist ausgewiesen – Effizienznachweise für verschiedene Modelle. In Baumberger, E, Baumberger, J, Huber, F & Köpe, C (Eds.), Managed Care Swiss made (Vol. 135, pp. 135–146). Bern: SGGP.
- Schmid, C. P. R., Beck, K., & Kauer, L. (2018). Health plan payment in Switzerland. In McGuire, Thomas G. & van Kleef, Richard C. (Eds.), Risk Adjustment, Risk Sharing and Premium Regulation in Health Insurance Markets: Theory and Practice. London: Elsevier.
- Jenny, G., Inauen, A., Brauchli, R., Füllemann, D., Müller, F., Bauer, G., … Brügger, U. (2011). Projekt SWiNG – Stressmanagement, Wirkung und Nutzen betrieblicher Gesundheitsförderung – Schlussbericht der Evaluation.
- Wieser, S., Kauer, L., Schmidhauser, S., Pletscher, M., Brügger, U., Jeanrenaud, C., … Marti, J. (2010). Synthesebericht - Ökonomische Evaluation von Präventionsmassnahmen in der Schweiz: Bericht im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Gesundheit.
- Kauer, L., Pletscher, M., Wieser, S., & Brügger, U. (2009). Assessment of the availability and quality of Swiss data required to conduct a full CBA in the field of obesity prevention - Part II of the project “Exploratory study on obesity: Economic evaluation on health promotion and prevention?”: Report commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health.
- Wieser, S., Kauer, L., & Brügger, U. (2009). Cost-benefit analysis of road accident prevention measures in Switzerland from 1975 to 2007: Report commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health.
- Schmidhauser, S., Wieser, S., Kauer, L., & Brügger, U. (2009). Returns on Investment in Prevention and Health Promotion Measures in Switzerland - Review of methodological literature on economic evaluation of health promotion and prevention with focus on cost-benefit analysis: Report commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health.
- An evaluation of the impact of the introduction of PCGs in the Swiss risk adjustment system. Lecture, RAN Meeting 2024, Risk Adjustment Network, Dublin, 2024
- Managed Care from the Physician's Perspective. Lecture, 15. Jahrestagung Qualität von Gesundheitsleistungen in einer heterogenen Gesellschaft, dggö, Hannover, 2023
- Socio-Economic Variables in Risk Adjustment. Discussion contribution, 15th IHEA World Congress Cape Town, International Health Economics Association, Cape Town, 2023
- Exchange Rate Shocks and Mental Health. Lecture, 15th IHEA World Congress Cape Town, International Health Economics Association, Cape Town, 2023
- Exchange Rate Shocks and Mental Health. Lecture, Euhea Conference 2022 Health economics for sustainable welfare systems, European Health Economics Association, Oslo, 2022
- Exchange Rate Shocks and Mental Health. Lecture, 11th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, American Society of Health Economists, Austin, 2022
- Currency Shocks and Mental Health. Lecture, 14. Jahrestagung Ökonomik der Pandemie, dggö, Hamburg, 2022
- Revisiting Cost Savings in Managed Care. Lecture, Euhea Conference 2022 Health economics for sustainable welfare systems, European Health Economics Association, Oslo, 2022
- Falling sick makes the insurance tick? The effect of illness on administrative costs of health insurance. Lecture, 13. dggö Jahrestagung - Health Technology Assessment und Versorgungsentscheidungen, dggö, online, 2021
- Falling Ill Raises the Health Insurer’s Administration Bill. Lecture, 2nd Conference of the Swiss Society of Health Economics, sggö, online, 2021
- Falling Ill Raises the Health Insurer’s Administration Bill. Lecture, 10th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, American Society of Health Economists, online, 2021
- Extreme Under and Overcompensation in Morbidity-Based Health Plan Payments: The Case of Switzerland. Lecture, 9th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, American Society of Health Economists, Washington DC, 2019
- Tell Me Where to Get My Flu Shot: The Effect of Information on Preventive Care. Lecture, 13th World Congress on Health Economics, International Health Economics Association, Basel, 2019
- Extreme Under and Overcompensation in Morbidity-Based Health Plan Payments: The Case of Switzerland. Lecture, RAN Meeting 2018, Risk Adjustment Network, Tel Aviv, 2018
- Tell me where to get my flu shot - Effects of information in prevention. Lecture, Euhea Conference 2018 Shaping the Future The Role of Health economics, European Health Economics Association, Maastricht, 2018
- Tell me where to get my flu shot - Effects of Information in Prevention. Lecture, 10. dggö Jahrestagung - Ökonomie und Medizin im Dialog, dggö, Hamburg, 2018
- Retirement and Health Insurance Decisions: Evidence from a Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design. Lecture, 9. Jahrestagung Vertragswettbewerb in der Krankenversicherung, dggö, Basel, 2017
- Do retirees make reasonable health plan choices: Evidence from a Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design. Lecture, Essen Health Konferenz - Health and Labour, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 2017
- Long-term effects of managed care. Lecture, 6th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, American Society of Health Economists, Philadelphia, 2016
- Analyzing risk selection in the Swiss market. Lecture, RAN Meeting 2016, Risk Adjustment Network, Berlin, 2016
- Long-term effects of managed care. Lecture, 2nd Swiss Health Economics Workshop, CSS Institute for Empirical Health Economics, Luzern, 2015
- The Effect of Cutting Disability Insurance Benefits on Labor Supply in Households - Evidence from a Swiss DI revision. Lecture, Health and the Labour Market Workshop, Aarhus University, Molskroen, 2015
- The Effect of Cutting Disability Benefits on Labor Supply in Households. Poster, SOLE Eighteenth Annual Meetings, The Society of Labor Economists, Boston, 2013
- The Effect of Cutting Disability Insurance Benefits on Labor Supply in Households. Poster, 2nd PhD Workshop, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, 2013
- Wage Subsidies for People with a Disability: Helping or Hindering? Evidence from a Field Experiment. Lecture, 6th Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (M-BEES), Department of Microeconomics and Public Economics of Maastricht University, Maastricht, 2013
- The Effect of Cutting Disability Insurance Benefits on Labor Supply in Households - Evidence from a Swiss DI revision. Lecture, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Neuchatel, 2013
- The Effect of Cutting Disability Insurance Benefits on Labor Supply in Households - Evidence from a Swiss DI revision. Lecture, 25th EALE conference, European Association of Labor Economists, Torino, 2013
- The Effect of Cutting Disability Insurance Benefits on Labor Supply in Households - Evidence from a Swiss DI revision. Lecture, 6th RGS Doctoral Conference in Economics, Ruhr Graduate School in Economics, Bochum, 2013
- The Effect of Cutting Disability Insurance Benefits on Labor Supply in Households - Evidence from a Swiss DI revision. Lecture, Young Swiss Economists Meeting, Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Bern, 2013
- The Effect of Cutting Disability Insurance Benefits on Labor Supply in Households. Lecture, The 2013 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, European Public Choice Society, Zürich, 2013
- Wage Subsidies for People with a Disability: Helping or Hindering? Evidence from a Field Experiment. Lecture, 4th Conference of the American Society of Health Economists, American Society of Health Economists, Minneapolis, 2012
- Would you train me with my mental illness - Evidence from a discrete choice experiment. Lecture, Applied Microeconometrics and Public Policy Conference, J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, Galway, 2012
- Wage Subsidies for People with a Disability: Helping or Hindering? Evidence from a Field Experiment. Lecture, Field experiments in policy evaluation, Institute for Employment Research, Nürnberg, 2012
- Would you train me with my mental illness - Evidence from a discrete choice experiment. Poster, 10th Workshop on Costs and Assessment in Psychiatry, International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Venice, 2011
- Would you train me with my mental illness - Evidence from a discrete choice experiment. Lecture, 25th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics, European Society for Population Economics, Hangzhou, 2011
- Would you train me with my mental illness - Evidence from a discrete choice experiment. Lecture, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics, Luzern, 2011
- Health Insurance Plan Choice in Switzerland. Presentation, Empowering Consumers to Make Informed Choices, The Health Insurance Authority Ireland, Dublin, 2024
- Economic Perceptions and Mental Health. Lecture, UTS EDG Seminar, University of Technology Sydney, Economics Department, Sydney, 2023
- Managed Care Mechanisms and Provider Behavior: Do Provider Networks Reduce Medical Spending? Lecture, Menzies Centre for Health Policy & Economics Lunchtime Seminar, University of Sydney, Menzies Centre for Health Policy & Economics, Sydney, 2023
- Compensation des risques – simple, claire, actuelle. Presentation, Mitarbeiterschulung, CSS Versicherung Lausanne, Vennes, 2019
- Quantensprung beim Risikoausgleich – Dank Spitalfinanzierung. Lecture, Sitzung cura futura Bern, cura futura Bern, Bern, 2019
- Risikoausgleich – einfach, verständlich, aktuell, Lucerne, May 21, May 29, June 18 and Sept. 19, 2019. Lecture, Mitarbeiterschulung CSS Versicherung, CSS Versicherung, Luzern / 4 Kurse 21.5. / 29.5. / 18.6. & 19.9.2019, Luzern, 2019
- Einführung in Capitation und Erfahrungen aus der Schweiz. Lecture, ThinkCamp «Neue Vergütungsmodelle der Gesundheitsversorgung», Stiftung Münch, Berlin, 2019
- Sind Einsparungen in Managed Care-Modellen nachhaltig? Lecture, Health Insurance Days, dConsulting, Interlaken, 2016
- Risk Adjustment Network 21st Annual Congress, Member of organisation committee, Weggis, 2021
- Risk Adjustment Network 20th Annual Congress, Member of organisation committee, Winterthur (online), 2020
- 3rd Swiss Health Economics Workshop, Member of organisation committee, Lausanne, 2017
- 2nd Swiss Health Economics Workshop, Member of organisation committee, Lucerne, 2015
- American Journal of Health Economics, 2023
- European Journal of Health Economics, 2022
- Health Policy and Technology, 2021
- Health Economics, 2021
- Medical Care Research and Review, 2021
- European Journal of Health Economics, 2020
- Health Policy and Technology, 2020
- European Journal of Health Economics, 2018
- Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2017
- Social Science and Medicine, 2016
- Social Science and Medicine, 2015
- European Journal of Health Economics, 2014
- Value in Health Economics and Policy group, Member, Australia, 2020–
- sggö Swiss Society of Health Economics, Member, Switzerland, 2019–
- International Health Economics Association, Member, Canada, 2018–
- Risk Adjustment Network, Member, Netherlands, 2017–
- dggö Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie, Member, Germany, 2017–
- American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon), Member, United States, 2016–
- Appraisal Gremium der Medizinaltarif-Kommission (MTK) UVG, Member, Switzerland, 2015–2023