Research Symposium Health Lucerne 2025
The "Research Symposium Health Lucerne" of the Health Cluster Central Switzerland will take place on Wednesday, 29 January 2025 at the University of Lucerne. The aim of the symposium is to present research in the field of health and medicine in the greater Lucerne area and to provide networking opportunities.
In addition to the scheduled keynote speech and plenary discussion, the programme will include an open section with scientific presentations. For the first time, special sessions will be organised for doctoral students, in which structured feedback will be provided on the presentations.
The research symposium is open to an interested specialist audience.
The detailed program has now been published and can be downloaded as a PDF document. Room allocations may be subject to change (as of 18.12.2024).
Abstracts (max. 250 words) related to medicine and health could be submitted until 8 November 2024. Submission is now closed.
The research symposium is open to an interested audience from the field of health. Researchers from the following three organizing institutions are eligible to submit an abstract: Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, University of Lucerne and XUND. The submitted abstracts will be evaluated and selected by a committee. In addition to scientific quality, the selection will also take into account a balanced coverage of topics and diversity of presenters. A decision can be expected by 22 November 2024. Further details can be found in the official flyer.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Boes, UNILU
Prof. Dr. Suzanne Lischer, HSLU
Fabio Knöfler, HSLU
Sandra Füssenich, XUND
symposium_gesundheit @