Challenges & Field Trips

In these teaching formats, an organization defines a set of current business goals and determines a set of deliveries for students. After the project brief, students compete in groups against each other to find the best solution to reach the firm’s goals.

For example, in the recent Eichhof Marketing Challenge in cooperation with Lucerne’s Eichhof brewery, students analyzed current and new target segments, developed new value propositions and marketing strategies, and combined their insights in a business case that evaluated the costs and revenues of these strategies.



Antonio Govetosa, Director Corporate Affairs Heineken Schweiz

"We were curious about the students’ ideas and suggestions, because this type of cooperation was completely new to us. However, students were always willing to walk the extra mile, and we were much impressed by the quality of the presentations and the sheer volume of new ideas."

Laura Cabrele, Student

"Personally, I absolutely loved this experience, and it has been one of the best experiences during my studies here in Lucerne. We were given the opportunity to develop and share our ideas without limits."

Roger Steinmann, Student

"This challenge has been an absolute highlight in the course of my studies. To work with a company on a real project is always a great opportunity."

How to get involved

Do you have an idea for a new business challenge, in which our students provide a fresh view and new insights for your organization? Get in touch with us