Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Claudio Perret

Foto Claudio Perret

Titular Professor for Rehabilitation Sciences and Human Functioning Sciences

Claudio Perret started his academic career with as master degree in pharmaceutical sciences followed by a PhD in exercise physiology at the ETH Zurich. He received the "venia legend" in exercise physiology at ETH Zurich in 2014 for his work related to physical activity and exercise in people with spinal cord injury. In 2022 he was appointed Titular Professor for rehabilitation sciences at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine at the University of Lucerne. From 2007 to 2022 he was the head of exercise performance diagnostics and sport science at the Swiss Olympic Medical Center/National Center for Wheelchair Sports located at the Swiss Paraplegic Centre in Nottwil. Since 2022 he acts as research group leader for neuromusculoskeletal functioning and mobility at Swiss Paraplegic Research. His main research interests are physical activity, exercise and respiratory physiology related to patients and athletes with a spinal cord injury. As a member of the National Olympic/Paralympic task force he scientifically supported the Swiss athletes in view of the preparation of Olympic and Paralympic Games for several years. Additionally, he obtained the Swiss Olympic Coach Award 2021 for Para-sports.