Asst. Prof. Diana Pacheco Barzallo, PhD

Diana Pacheco Barzallo

Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation and Healthy Ageing

T +41 41 939 65 52 • Alpenquai 4, Room 12 •


Diana holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Neuchatel (2013) and a MSc. in Economics from the University of Lausanne (2008), with a specialization in Applied Econometrics. After her PhD studies, Diana worked as Scientific Collaborator on projects focusing on Impact Evaluation and Behavioral Economics. From 2015 to 2020, she was as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Swiss Paraplegic Research in the Health Services Research Unit on projects intended to evaluate the living situation of people with long-term health conditions.Diana teaches at the University of Lucerne in the MA. of Health Sciences, and at the University of Neuchatel in the MSc. in Applied Economics.

Detailed CV