Honorary Doctorate Lecture Prof. Dr. Milo Puhan

Lecture on the topic "Surveillance of Public Mental Health in Ukraine" on the occasion of the award of an honorary doctorate.

Date: 7 November 2024
Time: 13.45 h to 14.45 h
Location: Lecture hall 8

Prof. Milo Puhan, MD, PHD receives this year's honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine. The honour is awarded for his outstanding contributions in the fields of public health and epidemiology.

Milo Puhans scientific work spans the globe, from his early career in Switzerland to his major tenure at Johns Hopkins University. His pioneering research on chronic disease prevention and on innovative preference-sensitive healthcare has advanced the scientific community and set new standards in healthcare delivery.

The title of his lecture on the occasion of the award of the honorary doctorate is: "Surveillance of Public Mental Health in Ukraine"

Ukraine does not monitor mental health of its population and thus lacks a basis for estimating burden from mental health conditions, for setting goals and for evaluating population-based efforts for prevention and mental health care. However, due to the war, mental health of the Ukraine population will represent one of the greatest challenges for the country for the years to come. In his lecture, Puhan will present two interlinked projects in the field of health monitoring that he is carrying out together with Ukrainian partners.


The lecture will be held in English.

The event is open to the public and free of charge. Registration is not required.