Das demokratische Potential des Ausländerstimmrechts

Warum sollten wir AusländerInnen das Stimmrecht gewähren? Dr. Luicy Pedroza vom GIGA Institut in Hamburg argumentiert in Ihrem Vortrag, dass wir damit Potentiale ausschöpfen könnten, die auf tiefe Wurzeln in den liberalen und republikanischen Traditionen der Demokratietheorie zurückgehen.

Date: 20 March 2014
Time: 17.30 h to 19.00 h
Location: Universität Luzern, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Luzern; Raum 4.A05


The right to vote has always been the most central privilege of citizenship. Its extension to resident migrants holds a promise of democratizing citizenship by bringing it closer to principles with deep roots in liberal and republican traditions, and further away from particularistic understandings that reduce citizenship to nationality. This paper’s main contribution is a systematic and policy-relevant discussion of the kind of enfranchisement that can realize that potential, approached in three steps: first, a demarcation of citizenship policy within migration policy substantiates the need to employ a normative perspective; second, a description of the trend of enfranchisement of non-citizens provides the normative paper with a sound empirical base for a non-ideal discussion; third, a discussion of different kinds of enfranchisement tackles the controversial issues related to it and delineates the specific requisites to realize its potential.