“She has kissed him with her freedom”.

Eros and social transformation

Dr. Federica Gregoratto (St. Gallen)

Ein Vortrag im Rahmen des Philosophischen Kolloquiums

Date: 24th November 2021
Time: 18.15 h to 20.00 h
Location: Universität Luzern, Hörsaal 4.B51 und Zoom

In this talk, I present some of the main theses of my Habilitationsschrift, Love Troubles. A Social Philosophy of Eros (2021). The book is an inquiry into one specific form of love, erotic love, and its potential for a critical theory of society. I intend eros as a human relationship or bond that can (but does not always) open up an experience of freedom. In the talk, I articulate, first, the idea of freedom that is at stake in erotic bonds, which corresponds to an intersubjective and social process of (self)knowledge, education and transformation (1). Second, I try to show the socio-political impact of free eros, as a social space, in between private and public spheres, of formation of critical and transformative subjectivities: this is a social, “experimental” space namely, that cultivates and trains cognitive and emotional powers prompting and sustaining change (e.g. critical attentiveness, joy and hope, discontent with the status quo, “negative capabilities”) (2.)


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