
Access to Palliative Care – Barriers & Facilitators

Date: 3rd October 2022
Time: 16.15 h to 17.15 h
Location: UniLu; HS 5

Nowadays we face a growing number of palliative care services. Networking and interactions between the different services are important. Quality of care throughout the institutions is  high and well controlled. Heterogeneity and diversity of our society increase and may act as a barrier for the access to appropriate palliative care. Progress in cancer treatments as well as improved care for other illnesses prolongs the course of the diseases. That‘s why choosing the right time for starting palliative care interventions gets difficult. Therefore facilitating access to palliative care is more crucial than ever.

Dr. med. Beat Müller, KD
Head Palliative Care
Luzerner Kantonsspital