Okay, okay, it is good for my health... but is it good for me? How individual health behavior is influenced by self-views, social identity, and personal goals

Prof. Dr. Winifred Gebhardt, Associate Professor of Health Psychology at Institute of Psychology, Leiden University

Date: 18th May 2016
Time: 17.15 h to 18.30 h
Location: Hörsaal 10
Lecture Series Spring 2016
Lecture Series Spring 2016

Health interventions typically stress the health benefits of adopting a healthier lifestyle, or point at the life-threats associated with harmful ways of living. However, research consistently shows that such interventions are not effective in achieving enduring behavioral change. In this talk I will clarify why the lack of effect is due to inherent aspects of human nature. What, then, is the alternative? I shall demonstrate how interventions designed from a goal-theory and social identity perspective have a far stronger and more lasting potential to affect individual behavior. The underlying theoretical frameworks will be explored, and I will present some of the very promising results from experimental and field studies within the area of safe sex, physical activity, alcohol use, and smoking.

Flyer Lecture Series Spring 2016_Health Behaviour Change: From Theory to Reality

Poster Lecture Series Spring 2016_Health Behaviour Change: From Theory to Reality