Measuring and Improving Medical Outcome in Hospitals and Possible Ways to Quality Related Payments

Using existing administrative data the outcome of some inpatient treatments can be estimated and improvement processes can be established. Some remaining weaknesses concerning the reliability of outcome measurement can be overcome by combining the measurement with peer review processes. First projects in the USA show possible ways of how to integrate outcome measures in the payment model.

Date: 19th October 2016
Time: 17.00 h to 18.00 h
Location: HS 10

"Measuring Hospital Quality Performance" is the title of this autumn's lecture series organized by the Department of Health Sciences and Health Policy.

The third lecture will be held by:

Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Mansky
Technical University of Berlin
Title of lecture: Measuring and Improving Medical Outcome in Hospitals and Possible Ways to Quality Related Payments

The lectures are public and free of charge. For more information please download the flyer.