Lecture Series Fall 2015: Skill Mix in the Primary Care Workforce

Dr. Anneke Van Vught, Senior research fellow, Department for Organization of Care and Services, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen, Netherlands


Date: 21st October 2015
Time: 17.15 h to 18.15 h
Location: HS 10

World-wide, shortages of primary care physicians and an increased demand for services have provided the impetus for delivering team-based primary care. The diversity of the primary care workforce is increasing to include a wider range of health professionals such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants. Shifting from 'task delegation' to 'team care' is a global trend but limited by traditional role concepts, legal frameworks and reimbursement schemes. This lecture gives you an overview of results from studies on efficient and effective team care models in primary care and will discuss challenges and experiences on this topic. 

Flyer Lecture Series Fall 2015: Professionalism and Governance in Primary Care