International Workshop: Transcendentals and Medieval Logic

International Workshop at the University of Lucerne on the relationship between transcendentals and medieval logic organized by Prof. Dr Giovanni Ventimiglia and David Anzalone

Date: 30th October 2019 to 31st October 2019
Time: 09.30 h to 12.00 h
Location: Universität Luzern, Raüme 3.B47 und 3.B55


The medieval doctrine of the transcendentals has been the topic of several major studies at least since the early 1990s, up to the present day. One of the aspects which still hasn’t been much studied – at the exclusion of the works of De Libera (1994), Ventimiglia (1995, 1997) Jacobi (2003), de Rijk (2003), Valente (2007) – is the relationship between the doctrine of the transcendentals and medieval logic.

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Day 1. 30.10.2019 (Room:3.B47)

09.45 Giovanni Ventimiglia (University of Lucerne): Welcome

10.00 John Gregor Macdougall (Fordham University, New York): “Modes of Being in Aquinas and the Modists”

11.15 Coffee Break

11.30 Philipp Blum (University of Lucerne): “The Unity of the World”

12.45 Lunch Break

14.00 Dario Affronti (Università della Svizzera italiana): “Transcendentals and Syncategoremata. The debate on 'est'"

15.15 Gyula Klima (Fordham University, New York): “The Logic of the Copula and the Metaphysics of Being and Unity”

16.30 Coffee Break

16.45 Giovanni Ventimiglia (University of Lucerne): “Syncategoremata and Transcendentals in the Thirteenth Century: the Case of Thomas Aquinas”.

Day 2. 31.10.2019(Room: 3.B55)

09.30 Laurent Cesalli and Frédéric Goubier (University of Geneva): “One for All and All for One. Syncategoremes, Distinctions and Sophismata according to Peter H and Roger B”

10.45 Coffee Break

11.00 Maria Evelina Malgieri (University College Dublin): "Defining 'truth'. Some case studies from the Quaestiones super Metaphysicam attributed to Henry of Ghent."

11.45 Giovanni Ventimiglia (University of Lucerne): Conclusions