Complementary health insurance: does the price impact the choice?

Am 10.2.2022 um 14 Uhr findet via Zoom ein Gastvortrag durch Benoît Carré (Université Paris-Dauphine) zum Thema "Complementary health insurance: does the price impact the choice?" statt.


Date: 10th February 2022
Time: 14.00 h to 15.00 h
Location: Zoom

Abstract: This paper focuses on the price sensitivity of the demand for complementary health insurance quality in France in the context of a voucher program for low-income populations. Beneficiaries have to choose between three insurance options, differing on the level of coverage for dental prosthesis, optical, and hearing material. Using administrative data and sharp variations in the subsidy schedule, I estimate the subsidy and premium elasticity of the program beneficiaries. The results show a negative and statistically significant premium elasticity of the demand for complementary health insurance. The size of the subsidy variations induces arc elasticity to lie in the lower range compared to the literature. These results provide new evidence on the price sensitivity of the demand for health insurance when insurance is complementary and covers specific types of care. Moreover, these results can inform policymakers about unintended consequences of legislative changes affecting the individual complementary health insurance market.

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