Course: Big Data in Public Health

As part of the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+), the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine is offering a course on “Big Data in Public Health” in collaboration with the University of Zurich.

Date: 19 May – 23 March 2025
Location: University of Lucerne

The course will offer a broad overview of the possibilities and limitations of big data in various areas of public health. New methods of big data analysis and their application to promote public health research with a focus on mental health will also be covered.

Program & further information

The course is primarily aimed at doctoral students enrolled at a partner university of the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+). Other students and external participants with Master's degrees in (different) areas of public health and related areas are also welcome to apply for a limited number of places. The course fee for PhD students and postdocs of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine is 30 CHF. Please also note the reduced course fee for other employees of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine of CHF 600 (instead of CHF 1,600). Further details on the course fees can be found under Program & further information.

Registration is possible until April 19.
