Palliative care: A medical speciality with important future challenges

Whereas the initial focus of palliation has been end of life care, this care approach has been extended to treat all patients with life threatening diseases. This talk will address the different dimensions of palliative care in the context of its development.

Datum: 13. März 2019
Zeit: 18.15 Uhr bis 19.30 Uhr
Ort: HS 9

The whole person care and attention to spiritual and psychosocial needs have been extensively proven to be of relief and active help in clinical situations. The future panorama consisting in a stable raise of patients with chronic diseases, the increase of life span and multicultural societies will be a challenge for health care systems. Palliative care will represent a concrete and ethical answer to provide chronic patients and families with effective and sustainable care. 

We are pleased to welcome Dr. med. Claudia Gamondi
Head of the Palliative and Supportive Care Clinic – IOSI

For more information on our Lecture Series please download the flyer and poster below:

Flyer Lecture Series Spring 2019

Poster Lecture Series Spring 2019