Losing weight and keeping it off. Population and individual perspectives

Prof. Dr. Sniheotta Falko, Professor of Behavioural Medicine and Health Psychology at Newcastle University

Datum: 20. April 2016
Zeit: 17.15 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr
Ort: Hörsaal 10
Lecture Series Spring 2016
Lecture Series Spring 2016

Obesity prevalence in Europe remains stable at 20–25% of the adult population. This presentation explores two related, previously underutilised foci for potentially effective obesity control interventions; weight loss attempts and weight loss maintenance. The psychological and public health considerations about how people manage personal weight control attempts and how they can best be supported in keeping weight off once they lost it are illustrated based on a range of systematic reviews, qualitative and quantitative studies.

Flyer Lecture Series Spring 2016_Health Behaviour Change: From Theory to Reality

Poster Lecture Series Spring 2016_Health Behaviour Change: From Theory to Reality