Lecture Series Fall 2015: What does it take to make Collaboration in a Network Successful?

Dr. med. Martin Wetzel, Specialist in general medicine, CEO of physicians network “Medizinisches Qualitätsnetz Kinzigtal” and authorized signatory and member of the medical advisory board of Gesundes Kinzigtal GmbH, Germany


Datum: 18. November 2015
Zeit: 17.15 Uhr bis 18.15 Uhr
Ort: HS 10

“Gesundes Kinzigtal” is one of the most prominent and most evaluated programs on people centered integrated healthcare, running for nearly ten years and developing quite promising results within the fragmented German healthcare system. The rationale and the way Gesundes Kinzigtal was developed in a joint partnership of a network of rural physicians and a health sciences oriented healthcare management company together with two social health insurances will be discussed. 

Flyer Lecture Series Fall 2015: Professionalism and Governance in Primary Care