Lecture Series Fall 2015: Lessons from Major Initiatives to Improve Primary Care in the United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Tim Doran, Professor of Health Policy, University of York, England


Datum: 7. Oktober 2015
Zeit: 17.15 Uhr bis 18.15 Uhr
Ort: HS 10

Primary care in the United Kingdom was in crisis in 2000, with highly variable quality of care and low morale amongst physicians. The UK government responded with a program of quality improvement initiatives, including an ambitious financial incentive scheme. Incentives produced short-term quality gains, but improvement of specific technical aspects of care may have been achieved at the expense of trust, cooperation and benevolence. Tim Doran discusses the UK’s recent quality reforms and their impact on patients and providers.

Flyer Lecture Series Fall 2015: Professionalism and Governance in Primary Care