Lecture Series Fall 2014 - Health, Resilience and Well-being

Prof. Dr. Paul Unschuld, M.P.H, Director Horst-Görtz-Stitftungsinstitut Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany


Lecture: Changing health care cynicism. The rise of an industrial health care delivery system and the need for new decision makers.


Datum: 17. September 2014
Zeit: 17.15 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr
Ort: Hörsaal 9

In Germany, the current farreaching restructuring of the halth care delivery system is a sign of changing political incentives. Beginning with the late 18th century, political initiatives to improve private and public health resulted from a need to guarantee a nation state's highest possible productive and military power. With the end of individual political leeways of European nation states, and under the influence of a globally active finance industry, health care delivery is increasingly integrated into market structures. It is redesigned to follow production and sales principles developed in commercial industry. Hence physicians and pharmacists are deprofessionalized to be replaced by decison makers trained to achieve profit maximation.