International Initiatives in Assessing Quality of Healthcare and Patient Safety using Routine Data from Hospitals

The program of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in assessing international comparisons using outcome metrics for quality of health and patient safety will be presented, along with the important contribution of routine data from hospitals that are encoded using the International classification of Diseases (ICD) from the World Health Organization (WHO) and particularly on the new potential of the 11th revision of the ICD in terms of quality of care and patient safety assessment.

Datum: 5. Oktober 2016
Zeit: 17.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr
Ort: HS 10

"Measuring Hospital Quality Performance" is the title of this autumn's lecture series organized by the Department of Health Sciences and Health Policy.

The second lecture will be held by:

Prof. Dr. Jean-Marie Januel
University Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC) and French School of Public Health (EHESP)
Titel: International Initiatives in Assessing Quality of Healthcare and Patient Safety using Routine Data from Hospitals

The lectures are public and free of charge. For more information please download the flyer.