Homonationalism and Femonationalism within the Populist Radical Right an Beyond


Dismantling the Strategic Deployment of Women and Homo-Friendly Discourses.

Datum: 20. Dezember 2024
Zeit: 14.15 Uhr bis 15.45 Uhr
Ort: Universität Luzern, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Luzern, Raum 3.B55

Anaïs Treadwell, BA, (Universität Luzern) stellt die Forschungsergebnisse ihrer Masterseminararbeit im Rahmen des Kolloquiums "Diversity Studies" vor.

Over the past two decades, scholars have identified the establishment of a new discursive chain of equivalence, especially within the far-right spectrum of politics, that can best be understood through the concepts of Homonationalism and Femonationalism. These interrelated phenomena refer to the strategic deployment of women- and LGBTQ+-friendly discourses in nationalist, xenophobic, and exclusionary agendas. Existing endeavors within political science to map party positions within a multi-dimensional political space fail to account for intersectional feminist insights. This study critiques current approaches, highlighting limitations such as source diversity, superficial issue analysis, and a lack of intersectional considerations. It proposes methodological adjustments to an existing measure of party positions. Through a two-phase pre-test, the study applies both an existing and a revised codebook to analyze parliamentary debates and party manifestos of two Swiss political parties: the Green Party and the Swiss Popular Party (SVP), which represent opposing poles in Switzerland’s cultural conflict.  The findings advance political science methodologies with an intersectional perspective on gender and sexuality to achieve a more nuanced understanding of party landscapes.


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