Going the Last Mile in Quality Management: Effective Use of Quality Indicators, Transparency and Peer Review

Quality management in healthcare contents its efforts mostly with thoroughly measuring process indicators, describing structures, installing strategic boards and publishing impressive reports addressed to the quality community. The effect on patient treatment seems limited. Quality measurements with the Swiss Inpatient Quality Indicators (CH-IQI) and peer reviews conducted by Initiative Qualitätsmedizin (IQM) are a powerful and promising exception of this mainstream.

Datum: 2. November 2016
Zeit: 17.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr
Ort: HS 10

"Measuring Hospital Quality Performance" is the title of this autumn's lecture series organized by the Department of Health Sciences and Health Policy.

The fourth lecture will be held by:

Prof. Dr. Daniel W. Zahnd
Bern University of Applied Sciences
Title of lecture: Going the Last Mile in Quality Management: Effective Use of Quality Indicators, Transparency and Peer Review

The lectures are public and free of charge. For more information please download the flyer.